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ExpoMix - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

11th International Specialized Exhibition "Dry Mixes, Concretes and Mortars"

Date: 26.10.2010 - 28.10.2010 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: International Analytical Review "ALITinform: Cement. Concrete. Dry Mixes"

Topics: Building and real estate, Industrial Exhibitions

"ExpoMix - 2010" exhibition news, 29-Jan-2010

Announce: The organizer, the Academic Scientific and Technical Center "ALIT", invites You to visit and take part in the 1st International Specialized Exhibition "ExpoMix - 2010", which is going to be held on October 26 - 28, in Moscow.

The organizer, the Academic Scientific and Technical Center "ALIT", invites You to visit and take part in the 1st International Specialized Exhibition "ExpoMix - 2010", which is going to be held on October 26 - 28, in Moscow.

"ExpoMix" is a unique opportunity which makes available a unified platform for discussions and experience exchange to the Russian and foreign specialists, scientists, chief executives of the largest industrial enterprises. Over 100 exhibitors took part in the exhibition, and over 450 companies participated in the conferences in 2009. The total number of visitor was more than 5,000 specialists.

The "ExpoMix - 2010" exhibition is held within the framework of the International Week of Dry Building Mixtures and the International Specialized Forum "Cement. Concrete. Dry Building Mixtures".

Exhibition profiles:

  • Cement, lime, gypsum
  • Sand, gravel, lightweight aggregates
  • Chemical and mineral additives
  • Dry building mixtures
  • Heavy, light, and foam concretes
  • Equipment for processing of dry mixtures
  • Equipment for production of dry mixtures, ready-mixed concrete and mortar
  • Equipment for production of concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products
  • Transportation, containers, packing
  • Testing equipment and devices

The "ExpoMix - 2010" exhibition is held concurrently to the Specialized Exhibitions ExpoCem "Retrofitting of the Cement Industry", ConTech "Concrete Plants, Equipment, Formwork", ReConExpo International Exhibition Salon "Repair of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures".

Every year, the 11th International Scientific and Technical Conference "MixBuild - Modern Technologies for Dry Mixtures in Building" is carried out together with the "ExpoMix" exhibition. Since 1998 the conference has enjoyed an unfailing success with the specialists and scientists from Russia and foreign countries for discussion of current questions in the industry. Over 150 specialists took part in the conference in 2009.

In 2010, the Academic Scientific and Technical Center "ALIT" will arrange a new event: Present-Conference "Dry-show. Dry Building". The Present-Conference will introduce up-to-date methods, technologies, and materials of dry building to the specialists of building and projecting companies and customers.


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