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50 Plus. All the Advantages of Mature Age - 2012

Attention! The event is over.

2nd International Forum and Exhibition

Date: 12.12.2012 - 15.12.2012 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: LLC "Bureau "PARAD"

Topics: Consumer Goods, Society

"50 Plus. All the Advantages of Mature Age - 2012" exhibition news, 02-Aug-2012

Announce: The award "50 PLUS" for the best products and services for people of mature age will be held during the 2nd International forum and exhibition "50 Plus. All the Advantages of Mature Age - 2012" which will be held from 12th to 15th of December in Moscow.

From 2nd to 15th of December in Moscow the 2nd International forum and exhibition "50 Plus. All the Advantages of Mature Age - 2012" will be held. Within the event the independent award "50 PLUS" for the best products and services for persons of mature age will take place, which is established by Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Center of social assistance for persons of ripe years "50 PLUS". The national award "50 PLUS" is All-Russian independent award that is called upon to support Russian originating market of goods and services for persons of ripe and mature years. The award "50 PLUS" is held with the support of Moscow Government, RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Federation Council of RF Federal Assembly, Federal budgetary institution "Rostest-Moscow".

The 1st Independent awarding "50 PLUS" will take place on 12th of December withing the forum and exhibition "50 Plus. All the Advantages of Mature Age - 2012". Known political and community leaders, representatives of business and culture will take part in the solemn ceremony.

The award "50 PLUS" shows up the best enterprises, products and initiations to approve their value and to promote the activities for persons of ripe years.

Goals and objectives of the award "50 PLUS":

  • To promote the development of the market of goods and services for persons of ripe and mature years
  • To develop social-partnership relations between business, society and state
  • To inspire business for sustainable development
  • To present achievements of Russian market of goods and services of "50+" category at state and international level
  • To show appeal and prospects of the new market niche

Organizations of any sphere of action and property category may take part in the competition, which promote the development of the market of goods and services of "50 PLUS" category, which support principles of good corporate citizen with a view to decide questions of labor discrimination and improving of comfort and standards of living of persons of ripe years.


  • "Product of the Year"
  • "Service of the Year"

At the discretion of the general committee the following special categories can be established: "Person of the Year", "Personal Experience", "Socially oriented Business", "Comfort Territory".


Additional information:
