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50 Plus. All the Advantages of Mature Age - 2013

Attention! The event is over.

3rd International Forum and Exhibition

Date: 28.11.2013 - 30.11.2013 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: LLC "Bureau "PARAD"

Topics: Consumer Goods, Society

"50 Plus. All the Advantages of Mature Age - 2013" exhibition news, 08-Oct-2013

Announce: In Moscow in the Central exhibition complex "Expocentre" from 28th to 30th of November the 3rd International forum and exhibition "50 Plus. All the Advantages of Mature Age - 2013" will be held.

From 28th to 30th of November in the Central exhibition complex "Expocentre" in pavilion № 2 (hall 1) the 3rd International forum and exhibition "50 Plus. All the Advantages of Mature Age - 2013" will be held. The event is organized by "Byuro Parad" LLC (Russia) with the support of Moscow Government and with the assistance of the "Expocentre".

Only after 50 a person begins to realize himself as a social individual, who bears responsibility for subsequent generate. This is precisely why the project "50 Plus" arose in Russia and in many other countries of the world. The aim of the project is to represent the advantages of mature age, which were inapproachable early in life, to the society, the state and to ourselves, and to hold ties of generations. Only this way the younger generation will treat elders more respectfully and reverently.

The forum and exhibition will unite domestic and foreign specialists, representatives of government institutions, business, social organizations, funds and mass media for discussion of questions on improvement of living standard for persons of riper years in Russia.

The main task of the project "50 Plus" is to contribute to more deep usage of working, intellectual and moral potential of persons of riper years, keeping their active presence in the country life.

The unique exposition covers all sides of life of persons of riper years. The goods and services for persons of various ages, interested in improvement of life quality of their parents and their owns, will be presented at the area of 6000 square meters.

150 companies will take part in the exhibition, among them: Unilever, A&D, TENA, "Sovkombank", PIK, "United confectioners", MTS, "Svoboda", "BEST-Novostroi", Rabota@mail.ru.

This year at the exhibition regional expositions b2c and b2b seminars will work, various consultations, activities and interactivities for visitors of the age "50+" will be held.

A concert venue will operate at the exhibition, where variety artistes, dancing teams will perform. Finals of competitions, formal signing of contracts will take place as well.


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