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Fire Safety of the XXI Century - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

8th International Specialized Exhibition

Date: 08.09.2009 - 11.09.2009 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Exhibition Company "EXPODESIGN"

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Municipal Management, Industrial Exhibitions


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Date August 25, 2009.

September, 08.

Exhibition hours : 10:00-18:00.

Press-conference .

Venue: Hall 57, Conference room 1, the 1st floor.

Official opening ceremony of the exhibition.
Greetings of officials.

Venue: Hall 57, front entrance.

Winners awarding of contests "Leader of sales in production of fire-technical purpose", "Leader of sales in production of security and fire automatics".

Venue: Hall 57.

Demonstration of technical means of fire safety.

Venue: Hall 57, demonstration platform.

Seminar: "Economic and reliable technical decisions on the basis of new 5.13130.2009, with use self-tested detectors HOME ALONER-2".

Venue: Hall 57, stand 5.1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: UNITEST, JSC.

Seminar: "New workings out of the company, address system "Minitronik 32" and the priemno-control device "Kvartirotronik-01""

Venue: Hall 57, stand 5.1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: UNITEST, JSC.

September, 09 .

Exhibition hours: 10:00-18:00.

Moscow Day.

"Skilled indicative fire-tactical doctrines on suppression of a conditional fire and carrying out of a wrecking in a building of the big area".

Venue: Hall 20.

Organized by: Central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia across Moscow.

The concert program. Competitions and quizes on fire-saving subjects among the Moscow schoolboys and cadets of fire colleges.

Venue: Hall 57, front entrance.

Organized by: Moscow organization VDPO, "Women for safety".

Competition of field-kitchens of the Moscow garrison with an entertainment of participants and visitors of exhibitions to the accompaniment of an orchestra of Central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia across Moscow.

Conference: "Technical regulation, audit, insurance and self-regulation in the field of fire safety".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 2, the 1st floor.

Organized by: CS VDPO, Research institute VDPO on provision fireman to safety.

Conference chairman: K.N. Belousov, Director of Research institute VDPO on provision fireman to safety.

Meeting of experts on maintenance of fire safety on undergrounds of the CIS countries.

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: International association "Underground ".

Chairman: V.A.Kuryshev , Main technologist of International association" Underground ".

Scientific and practical conference: "Pressing questions of perfection of complex safety and fire-prevention protection of objects".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 3, ground floor.

Organized by: World academy of sciences for complex security (WASCS), International association "SYSTEMSERVICE".

Conference chairman: M.M. Lyubimov , WASCS president, professor.

Seminar: "Economic and reliable technical decisions on the basis of new 5.13130.2009, with use Self-tested detectors HOME ALONER-2".

Venue: Hall 57, stand 5.1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: UNITEST, JSC.

Seminar: "New workings out of the company, address system "Minitronik 32" and the priemno-control device "Kvartirotronik-01"".

Venue: Hall 57, stand 5.1.

Organized by: UNITEST, JSC.

Conference: "Fire safety of objects and a railway transportation rolling stock".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 3, ground floor.

Organized by: The Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Federation Railway Transport Security.

Conference chairman: V.P. Aksiutin, Deputy General Director of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Federation Railway Transport Security", WASCS academician.

Seminar: "Questions of state regulation of a technical policy in the field of antiterrorist and anti-criminal protection of objects".

Venue: Hall 57, Conference room 2, the 1st floor.

Organized by: Scientific and research center "OKHRANA"of Ministry of Interior of Russia.

Seminar chairman: S.V. Gurchenko, Head of Scientific and research center "OKHRANA" of Ministry of Interior of Russia.

Seminar: "Economic and reliable technical decisions on the basis of new 5.13130.2009, with use Self-tested detectors HOME ALONER-2".

Venue: Hall 57, stand 5.1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: UNITEST, JSC.

Seminar: "Modern means of protection for safety of objects of various categories".

Venue: Hall 57, Conference room 2, the 1st floor.

Organized by: Scientific and Research center "OKHRANA" of the Ministry of Interior of Russia.

Seminar chairman: S.V. Gurchenko, Head of Scientific and research center "OKHRANA" of Ministry of Interior of Russia.

Seminar: " Security-fire alarm system on objects with the raised fire danger".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: Company YUM.

Meeting of executive personnel of fire-fighting branches, major central control of military institutions of Russian Federation.

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 1, the 1st floor.

Chairman: V.S. Schaschanov, head of fire-fighting and rescue service and defence of Russian Federation armed forces.

Seminar: "New workings out of the company, address system "Minitronik 32" and the priemno-control device "Kvartirotronik-01"".

Venue: Hall 57, stand 5.1.

Organized by: UNITEST, JSC.

Seminar: "Modern means of protection for safety of explosive objects".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 2, the 1st floor.

Organized by: Scientific and Research center "OKHRANA" of the Ministry of Interior of Russia.

Seminar chairman: S.V. Gurchenko, Head of Scientific and research center "OKHRANA" of Ministry of Interior of Russia..

Seminar: "Ways Effectivization protection against fire in the light of the Federal statute "Technical regulations about requests of fire safety"".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 3, ground floor.

Organized by: Association KrilaK.

Seminar: "The integrated systems of safety: modern decisions and tendencies".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 2, the 1st floor.

Organized by: Scientific and Research center "OKHRANA" of the Ministry of Interior of Russia.

Seminar chairman: S.V. Gurchenko, Head of Scientific and research center "OKHRANA" of Ministry of Interior of Russia.

September, 10.

Exhibition hours: 10:00-18:00.

Day of Moscow Region.

Opening of the Day of Moscow Region.
Speech of the deputy chief of Central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on Moscow Region Medvedeva J.V. before heads of the state fire service of Moscow Region and visitors of an exhibition.

Venue: Hall 57, front entrance.

Performance of children's creative collectives of Moscow Region on fire-prevention subjects.

Venue: Hall 57, front entrance.

Seminar-meeting with heads of regional divisions FPS, GPN, Mosoblpozhspas.

Venue: Hall 57, Conference room 2, the 1st floor.

Organized by: Central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia across Moscow Region.

The organisation of suppression of the burning car.

Venue: Hall 57, demonstration platform.

Day of Saint Petersburg.
Demonstration program of Saint Petersburg enterprises.

"Scientific and Industrial Association "SOPOT - Demonstration of the Newest Systems of Fire Fighting by Means of Water and Foam" CJSC.

Venue: Hall 57, demonstration platform.

"Spassnaryazhenie" ltd - Demonstration of the rope rescue devices and equipment.

Venue: Hall 57, stand D 4.8.

Seminar: "Monitoring of fire danger in woods of the Russian Federation".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: Federal agency of a forestry (ROSLESKHOZ).

Seminar chairman: A.A.Ermolenko, Head of department of protection, and reproduction of woods "ROSLESKHOZ".

Round table: "Transition from licensing to self-regulation in the field of safety".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 3, ground floor.

Organized by: "TAKIR", Guild "Safety".

Chairmen: . G.Kirjuhina, President Guild "Safety", Academician I.

Seminar: "The modern approach to maintenance of fire safety of objects of Open Society "Gazprom". Technologies of fire suppression and fire extinguishing substances".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 2, the 1st floor.


Seminar chairman: R.M. Tagiev, deputy General Director of "GAZPROM GAZOBEZOPASNOST", Ltd ., doctor of technical sciences.

Seminar: "Economic and reliable technical decisions on the basis of new 5.13130.2009, with use Self-tested detectors HOME ALONE-2".

Venue: Hall 57, stand 5.1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: UNITEST, JSC.

Seminar: "New workings out of the company, address system "Minitronik 32" and the priemno-control device "Kvartirotronik-01"".

Venue: Hall 57, stand 5.1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: UNITEST, JSC.

Seminar: "Automatic control of fire extinguishing and smoke-consumer systems. A set of equipment "SPRUT-2"".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 3, ground floor.

Organized by: "PLAZMA-T" LTD.

Seminar: "The Purposes and features of processes of training of firemen. Modern methods and training means".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: Federal agency of a forestry (ROSLESKHOZ), CS VDPO.

Seminar chairmen: A.A.Ermolenko, Head of department of protection, protection and reproduction of woods ROSLESKHOZ; S.I Gruzd, hairmand CS VDPO.

Seminar: "Economic and reliable technical decisions on the basis of new 5.13130.2009, with use Self-tested detectors HOME ALONE-2".

Venue: Hall 57, stand 5.1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: UNITEST, JSC.

Seminar: "New workings out of the company, address system "Minitronik 32" and the priemno-control device "Kvartirotronik-01"".

Venue: Hall 57, stand 5.1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: UNITEST, JSC.

Round table: "Systems of evacuation from height".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 2, the 1st floor.

Seminar: "Modules powder fire extinguishing the MIG and the MIG-A. Features of application".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 3, ground floor.

Organized by: Rusarsenal, Open Company.

September, 11.

Exhibition hours: 10:00-14:00.

Contest committee session.
Contests: "The best technical solution in the field of fire safety", "Leader of sales in production of fire-technical purpose", "The best technical solution in the field of security and fire automatics (Complex security systems)", "Leader of sales in production of security and fire automatics", "The best materials and manuals on propaganda and population training on fire safety measures"..

Venue: Hall 57, administration premices.

Seminar: "Economic and reliable technical decisions on the basis of new 5.13130.2009, with use Self-tested detectors HOME ALONE-2".

Venue: Hall 57, stand 5.1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: UNITEST, JSC.

Seminar: "New workings out of the company, address system "Minitronik 32" and the priemno-control device "Kvartirotronik-01"".

Venue: Hall 57, stand 5.1, the 1st floor.

Organized by: UNITEST, JSC.

Exhibition closing.
Awarding of contests winners:
"The best technical solution in the field of fire safety"
"The best technical solution in the field of security and fire automatics (Complex security systems)"; "The best materials and manuals on propaganda and population training on fire safety measures".

Venue: Hall 57, conference room 1, the 1st floor.

Publication date 28 January 2009 year.

1. Scientific and practical conference:
"Prospects and problems of development of modern systems and means of maintenance of fire safety".

Organized by: Academy GPS of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia.

Conference chairman: M.V. Aleshkov, Deputy chief of Academy GPS of EMERCOM of Russia on scientific work.

2. Scientific and practical conference:
"Pressing questions of perfection of complex safety and fire-prevention protection of objects".

Organized by: World academy of sciences for complex security (WASCS), International association "SYSTEMSERVICE".

Conference chairman: M.M. Lyubimov, WASCS president, professor.

3. Conference:
"Fire safety of objects and a railway transportation rolling stock".

Organized by: The Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Federation Railway Transport Security.

Chairman: V.P. Aksiutin, Deputy General Director of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Federation Railway Transport Security", WASCS academician.

4. Seminar:
"Monitoring of fire danger in woods of the Russian Federation".

Organized by: Federal agency of a forestry (ROSLESKHOZ).

Seminar chairman: A.A. Ermolenko, Head of department of protection, protection and reproduction of woods ROSLESKHOZ.

5. Seminar:
"The modern approach to maintenance of fire safety of objects of Open Society "Gazprom". Technologies of fire suppression and fire extinguishing substances".


Seminar chairman: R.M. Tagiev, deputy General Director of "GAZOBEZOPASNOST", Ltd., doctor of technical sciences.

6. Seminar:
"Questions of state regulation of a technical policy in the field of antiterrorist and anti-criminal protection of objects".

Organized by: Scientific and Research center "OKHRANA" of the Ministry of Interior of Russia.

Seminar chairman: A.G. Zaitzev, head of Scientific and research center "OKHRANA" of Ministry of Interior of Russia.

7. Seminar:
"Modern means of protection for safety of objects of various categories".

Organized by: Scientific and Research center "OKHRANA" of the Ministry of Interior of Russia.

Seminar chairman: A.G. Zaitzev, head of Scientific and research center "OKHRANA" of Ministry of Interior of Russia.

8. Seminar:
"Modern means of protection for safety of explosive objects".

Organized by: Scientific and Research center "OKHRANA" of the Ministry of Interior of Russia.

Seminar chairman: A.G. Zaitzev, head of Scientific and research center "OKHRANA" of Ministry of Interior of Russia.

9. Seminar:
"The integrated systems of safety: modern decisions and tendencies".

Organized by: Scientific and Research center "OKHRANA" of the Ministry of Interior of Russia.

Seminar chairman: A.G. Zaitzev, head of Scientific and research center "OKHRANA" of Ministry of Interior of Russia.

11. Meeting of experts on maintenance of fire safety on undergrounds of the CIS countries.

Organized by: International association "Underground".

Chairman: V.A. Kuryshev , Main technologist of International association "Underground".

12. Meeting of executive personnel of fire-fighting branches, major central control of military institutions of Russian Federation.

Chairman: A.V. Kraskovsky, head of fire-fighting and rescue service and defence of Russian Federation armed forces.

13. Day of Moscow.

14. Day of Moscow Region.

13. Day Saint-Petersburg.

15. Demonstration in operaion means, systems and products on prevention and suppression of fires.

16. Demonstration of protection frames, models of uniform and fighting clothes of firemen.

17. Presentations of firms-participants of an exhibition.

18. Contests:

  • "The best technical solution in the field of fire safety"
  • "Leader of sales in production of fire-technical purpose"
  • "The best technical solution in the field of security and fire automatics (Complex security systems)"
  • "Leader of sales in production of security and fire automatics"
  • "The best materials and manuals on propaganda and population training on fire safety measures"

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