Металлообработка. Сварка - Урал - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)
Металлообработка. Сварка - Урал - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

Hunting and Fishing in Russia - 2013

Attention! The event is over.

International Exhibition

Date: 27.02.2013 - 03.03.2013 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Exhibition Company "EXPODESIGN"

Topic: Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments

"Hunting and Fishing in Russia - 2013" exhibition news, 04-Feb-2013

Announce: One of the largest in the world International exhibitions "Hunting and Fishing in Russia - 2013" will be held from 27th of February to 3th of March in All-Russia Exhibition Center in Moscow.

One of the largest in the world International exhibitions "Hunting and Fishing in Russia - 2013" will be held from 27th of February to 3th of March in pavilions №№ 69, 75 of All-Russia Exhibition Center under the patronage of RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry and with official support of Moscow government. This veritably national exhibition rates great success among hunters, fishers and fans of tourism and active rest.

High level of the exhibition organization is confirmed by badges of honor of Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF) and Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI). Matter of a special focus of the exhibition organizer - Russian company "EXPODESIGN" is constant extension of international presence, increase of attendance, creation of optimal conditions for business communication of exhibitors and visitors.

More than 1000 exhibitors from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Spain, Italy, Norway, Latvia, Korea, China will demonstrate their best samples of goods and services in the field of hunting and fishing munition and accessories, arms, special equipment, technical and transport facilities, fishing and hunting tourism, active rest, the subject literature, souvenirs and natural products in the total exposition area of more than 3 thousand square meters. More than 70 thousand of people will visit the exhibition.

Traditionally the exposition of the exhibition includes three large sections:

  • Fishing equipment and accessories, powerboats, boats and motors, goods of hunting and tourism assortment, fishing and tourism mass media - pavilion № 75
  • Arms salon, goods of hunting and tourism assortment, tent city, mass media - pavilion № 69
  • Transport facilities - open area by the pavilion № 69

It is a good tradition to hold various competitions on amateur fishing in honor of the exhibition opening. On 16th of February in Mytishchi the Cup of Russian Exhibition Company "EXPODESIGN" on catching trouts with winter tackle will take place, and on 24th of February the children and young competition on fishing with ice jig will take place at Khimki reservoir.

Heavy exhibition program will give a relief of the most sophisticated specialists' requirements. The following events will be the most significative:

  • The 2nd session of the National Forum "Present-day stage of development of environmental activity and hunting and fishing tourism" will be held on 27th of February in the pavilion № 75
  • The traditional competition of goods and services of Russian producers will be held on 28th of February in the conference-hall of the pavilion № 75
  • On 1st of March on stage of the pavilion № 75 the leading producers and distributors of clothes, footwear and accessories for hunting, fishing and active rest will take part in the competition and show of the best models of fishing and hunting assortment
  • On 2nd of March in the pavilion № 69 fans of hunting dogs will see the demonstration program

The number of interesting events will be organized by exhibitors directly at their stands. Number and variety of programs of demonstration of fish-tackle in mobile pools of exhibitors grow with every exhibition.

Diversified cultural and entertainment program will include film shows, work of air, cyber and missile shooting galleries, field kitchen testing, exhibition performance of knife dart.

Yet again the international exhibition "Hunting and fishing in Russia - 2013" will prove its status of one of the largest world exhibitions of the subject, will become a place for efficient business communication and one more evidence of growing interest of the public to hunting, fishing and active rest.


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