IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Металлобработка. Металлургия - 2025

Press Release

InterFood Azerbaijan - 2005

On May 27, the traditional "InterFood Azerbaijan" Exhibition concluded its work in Baku and stepped into a new decade. The 11th Azerbaijan International Exhibition took place in the Sports-Concert Complex after Heydar Aliyev on May 25 through 27.

The official opening ceremony was held with participation of the Minister of Agriculture of the Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Ismet Abbasov, the Vice-President of the Azerbaijan Republic Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Mehman Ahmedov, the Minister of Economic Development of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Mr. Famil Seidov, the Director of the Iteca Caspian company Mr. Farid Mamedov and other officials.

The Minister of Agriculture of the Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Ismet Abbasov was the first to speak. He said: "The importance of holding an exhibition on Food Industry in Azerbaijan is immeasurable. This event has always been and will be the force which gives impetus to realization of joint ideas and projects initiated among the local entrepreneurs and foreign businessmen. Not by chance is this exhibition held for the 11th time in a republic of 14 year-old independence proving its significance by the increasingly growing number of the participant companies and countries." In conclusion of his speech the Minister thanked the organizers and wished fruitful work to the participants.

The next to speak was the Vice-President of the Azerbaijan Republic Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Mehman Ahmedov. He said: "The economic figures of the country have greatly increased within the past 10 years. I believe that this exhibition has played a major role in that development process by familiarizing with modern technologies and methods of production in the food industry, as well as by promoting establishment of business contacts with both international and local representatives." Mr. Ahmedov wished successful work at the exhibition and useful contacts to all the participants and guests.

After the solemn opening ceremony a VIP Tour round the Exhibition was held with participation of Mr. Abbasov and the representatives of state organs, large companies and press. The Minister listened attentively to the presentation speech of every participant, offered assistance and suggested the ways of how the offered production might be useful in Azerbaijan.

Within the three days of its work the exhibition was visited by 5800 visitors 65% of which were professionals.

The organizers, ITE Group Plc and Iteca Caspian Ltd hope, that as the result of the InterFood 2005 exhibition, new enterprises will open up in the country and the local manufacturers will discover new markets for importing their production.


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