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TEXNODREV Sibir - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

4th International Specialized Exhibition. Technologies, Machines, Equipment and Tools for Lumbering, woodworking and Furniture Production Industries

Date: 16.11.2010 - 19.11.2010 

City: Krasnoyarsk - information about city

Holders: Krasnoyarsk Fair, RESTEC

Topics: Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions

"TEXNODREV Sibir - 2010" exhibition news, 14-Oct-2010

Announce: From 16 till 19 of November in Krasnoyarsk one of the larges forest events of Siberian Federal District will take place - IV international specialized exhibition "TEXNODREV Sibir - 2010".

Worldwide leaders of forest industry at exhibition "TECHNODREV Siberia" in Krasnoyarsk.

From 16 till 19 of November in Krasnoyarsk one of the largest forest events of Siberian Federal District will take place - IV international specialized exhibition "TEXNODREV Sibir - 2010".

More than 150 participants from Austria, Germany, Italy, China, North America, Slovenia, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland and also from various regions of Russia will present technologies, machines, equipment and tools for forest harvesting, woodworking and furniture industry at their exhibition stands.

Participation of such companies as EWD, Holtec, AO Jartek OY, L&L SRL, Linck, Muehlboeck Vanicek, Ponsse OY, Ustunkarli Maranzog Makinalari LTD. STI, VDMA, Wilhelm Altendorf GmbH & Co KG Maschinenbau, "Bakaut", "Liebherr-Russland" has been already confirmed.

Among them are companies dealing in manufacture of toting stacker trucks, front lift trucks and bulldozers, production and supply of grade line for wood-sawing factories, palletizers, wood heat-treatment chamber, presses for lined strucrural beam manufacture.

Leader in manufacture of equipment for wood binding - Spanevello SRL (Italy) - will present progressive technologies for high-rise wood house building from massive cross-lamenated panels, production of lined beams and bearing beams.

Large assortment of woodworking equipment for lumbering and wood processing will bee presented by representatives from Hekotek, KAMI, SAB, Ustunkarli, "Timbermatik" and others.

Wide range of protective means for wood is also in exhibit: preservative and fire-protective impregnations for wood-sawing materials, baths and saunas, wood blanching means and woodblock protection from checking.

During exhibition business program participants of round table conference "Forest certification in Russia, topics and perspectives" will discuss topics of campaign against illegal forest felling, FSC-certification and growth of demand in certified production, changes and legal system of Europe and USA in the field of forest trade etc.

Holding the round table conference "Role of bioenergetics in supplying energy requirement supplying of Siberian regions" will let consider possibilities of bioenergetic potential realization of forest complex, economical effect of change-over to biofuel, european and asian markets of wood pellets.

Also in the plan of exhibition business program:

  • Conference "Rational forest management and development of deep wood processing"
  • Round table conference "Great problems of small business in forest complex"
  • Seminar "Exploitation and retention of equipment"

"Every year the project gains interest of many big players of forest market of Russia and Foreign, - notes the exhibition director Alexei Buyarov. - Their progressive developments let enterprises of Siberia reach more qualitative level of work with wood material effectively using every third cubic meter and increasing their own profit".

"TECHNODREV Siberia" is a pert of all-Russian net of forest exhibitions "TECHNODREV". In Krasnoyarsk the exhibition will take place in International Exhibition-Business Center "Siberia" from 16 till 19 of November at one time with the exhibition "Furniture Salon:furniture, design, fittings, technologies".


Additional information:
