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Tekhnodrev-Siberia - 2013

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7th International Specialized Exhibition of Technologies, Machines, Equipment and Tools for Timber Harvesting, Woodworking and Furniture Industry

Date: 10.09.2013 - 13.09.2013 

City: Novosibirsk - information about city

Holders: Deutsche Messe AG, RESTEC

Topics: Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions

"Tekhnodrev-Siberia - 2013" exhibition news, 18-Feb-2013

Announce: Within the 7th International specialized exhibition of technologies "Tekhnodrev-Siberia - 2013", which will be held from 10th to 13th of September in Novosibirsk, the Siberian International Forestry Forum will take place.

In Novosibirsk at the site of the International exhibition center "Novosibirsk Expocentre" from 10th to 13th of September the 7th International specialized exhibition of technologies, machines, equipment and tools for timber harvesting, woodworking and furniture industry "Tekhnodrev-Siberia - 2013" will be held. Within the exhibition the Siberian International Forestry Forum will take place.

The Siberian International Forestry Forum will take place in a half of a year but even now it is obvious that the event will be the largest international meeting of specialists of the forestry complex. A united communication area will be created at the forum, where the professionals will tell each other about strategies and practical means of business development. The forum participants will get an unique opportunity not only to be on trends but to use them in the business. Structure of the forum events unites congress, exhibition and business programs. By means of it the participation in the events of the forum is attractive for representatives of business and sectoral research under all the directions of forest complex, and industries technically related to the manufacturing cycle of forestry enterprises.

On 10th of September the Siberian International Forestry Forum will open the plenary meeting: "Analyzing the state of Russian economy and its impact on forest complex of Siberia". In the course of the meeting representatives of government agencies, leading Russian branch associations, specialists of forest and financial corporations will have an opportunity to discuss the government program for development of forest sector until the year 2020, to express opinion about strategic directions of development of Siberian forestry enterprises, improvement of investment attractiveness and estimate ways of competitive growth of timber companies of Siberia.

In Russia a new code of timber harvesting came in force. Key changes in rules of timber storage and moving-out, conservation of biodiversity, modern technologies of timber harvesting and many other issues will be discussed in the section: "Timber harvesting in Siberian Federal District. Problems and solutions".

Topical issues of timber exploitation are offered to be discussed within the session "Development of sustainable intensive forest management in Siberia. Pros and cons". The following subjects are among themes for discussion: regional specific features in forest management; prerequisites to adoption of intensive forestry model in Siberia; raw wood plantations as source of wood for timber industry; intensification of forest exploitation and conservation of biological diversity.

Timber cutting is one of the most profitable business activities in the territory of Siberia. Our country is the best supplier of wood for China and Europe. Products of domestic timber cutting are used for high-grade furniture production, interior finishing and country house building. In the forum business program in the section "Timber cutting in Siberia. Equipment and technologies of timber cutting and woodworking enterprises" it is offered to exchange opinions, to study novelties of timber cutting equipment, sales market, problems and issues of raw material provision.

Is it possible to satisfy the demand of Russian manufacture in quality materials? The issue will be presented in the section: "Woodworking in Siberia. Wood boards manufacture - technological aspect". The market trends in wood boards manufacture, opportunities for reduction manufacturing costs and improving ecological safety will be discussed. Board materials of the next generation, innovative technologies and equipment will be demonstrated.

In the program of the section "Bioenergy potential of Siberian Federal District" the present-day situation and trends in development of bioenergetics in Siberia will be discussed in the following details: figures, facts, export opinions, wood fuel resources for thermal power production, problems of low-grade raw materials and wastes, modernization of bioenergetics by means of using modern technologies.

Solution of any problem, that limits competitive ability of Russian Forestry enterprises, is impossible without attracting extensive investments. In the program of the Siberian international forestry forum at the round table conference "Investment attractiveness of Siberia. Attracting finances to forestry enterprises projects" the investment climate will be analyzed and the following questions will be discussed: the main projects in operation and suggested for operation, means of rising investment attractiveness, accompanying measures of state support of forestry projects under construction.

In the business program the discussions "WTO. Effects on timber companies" and "Career in timber industry: opportunities, conditions, prospects" are planned.

The forum program includes: the International Business Communication Center "Innovative development of forestry enterprises of Siberia" - providing and generalization of experience of marketing and regional development, attracting investments, business contacts exchange - the participants may make appointments in advance and take opinion of the forum experts.


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