Металлообработка. Сварка - Урал - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

Date: 01.01.1970 - 01.01.1970 



"" exhibition news, 16-Oct-2012

Announce: From 26th to 27th of November in St. Petersburg the International specialized exhibition and conference "Petersburg Forum of Packing - 2012" will be held, which will provide exhibitors with opportunities for business development.

From 26th to 27th of November in the congress center "PetroCongress" the International exhibition and conference "Petersburg Forum of Packing - 2012" will be held. The exhibition organizers are: Exhibition association "RESTEC", with the support and participation of sub-committee of RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry for packing industry development, Nonprofit partnership "National packers' confederation", National Tare Union.

"Petersburg Forum of Packing" unites representatives of the industry and is a prospective specialized platform in the North-west region, where a wide range of questions from design to recycling of packing will be solved, and trends of packing industry development will be estimated.

Topical workshops, round tables, presentations, meetings with experts, consultations with specialists of the leading enterprises will take place within the exhibition business program of this year. The topical subjects in the field of tare ans packing industry will be discussed at the exhibition:

  • Current trends in the packing industry. The main events, figures, facts, estimates
  • Prohibition of using polyethylene containers for alcoholic beverages bottling
  • Plans of St. Petersburg Government for city development and improvement of ecological situation
  • Safety packing: observation of technical regulations, sanitary and hygiene control. Role of certification authorities and self-regulating organization
  • Repeal of a ban on secondary use glass containers in beverage industry
  • Future of tobacco products trade
  • Discussion of technical regulations of Customs union "About packaging safety" at work
  • Rules of World Trade Organization, which are meaningful for manufacturers and importers of containers, packing and raw materials
  • Technical regulations of the Customs union
  • Biodegradable package, postconsumer plastics issue
  • Energy saving and efficiency as key factors of upturn of competitive ability in packing industry
  • Modern automated packaging technologies
  • Unification of assortment by the aid of packing as a means of cutting expenditures and increasing of sales
  • Packing and containers for private labels - influence of quality and type of product packing on image of a retailer
  • New effective formats of consumer packaging. SPR-packaging
  • Innovative solutions for transportation and warehousing, "smart warehouse" technologies
  • Innovative approach to methods of product protection from environmental influence
  • Prospects of partnership in the field of designing integrated packing solutions

The following professionals of packing market are among speakers: A. G. Boiko, chairman of subcommittee of RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry for development of packing industry, Executive director of public National Packaging Confederation; V. F. Malenchuk, vice chairman of public services and amenities committee of St. Petersburg Government, Yu. A. Gatchin, chairman of standing committee on industry, economics and property of Legislative assembly, E. O. Tzereteli, chairman of Public Council on development of micro-entrepreneurship under the jurisdiction of St. Petersburg governor, I. V. Petrikin, head of the project "New business" of the Agency Strategic Initiatives, A. L. Zagorskiy, president of National Packaging Confederation, head of Group of companies "EKOTEK", P. I. Bobrovskiy, vice president of National Tare Union, S.M. Gordyshevskiy, board chairman of St. Petersburg Ecological Union, V.A. Ignatiev, doctor of medical sciences, professor of St. Petersburg state medical academy, expert board member of National Packaging Confederation, I. A. Fyodorova, assistant director of communication with government authorities National brewing company "Baltika", G.A. Palitsin, ecology manager of St. Petersburg office of Unilever, A. Yu. Meleshina, director of external relations Heineken company, V. Breus, PR-mansger of Coca-Cola, D.S. Yepifanova, ecology manager of CJSC "Tetra Pak", O.V. Gulinkina, chief editor of Packaging R&D magazine.

The program includes the specialized exhibition-salon of packing, where manufacturers and processers will present packaging products. The main sections of the exhibition: finished packing and containers, packaging materials, films, equipment for producing packing, labels and labeling machinery, equipment for coding and marking, package engineering and design, warehousing services, logistics, weight-handling machinery, recycling, waste treatment, premium consumer packaging, seasonal packaging.

Also within "Petersburg Forum of Packing" the competition "Packing - criterion of purchase" for producers and designers of tare and packing industry will take place.

The competition goal is extension of the market of packing and labeling industry and promotion of the best samples of domestic packing and labeling products, and their developers at the market of St. Petersburg.

The competition show is held in several categories:

  • Finished packaging products (polymeric, cardboard, tin, glass, composite)
  • Equipment for manufacturing and realization of packing, labels, marks
  • Conceptual development, design, ideas for packaging, containers, labels

Samples of equipment with highest marks will get prizes and Diplomas, that grant rights for special victorious marking for output products or using the marking for advertising.

"Petersburg Forum of Packing" offer the participants many opportunities for business development: arranging presentations within the forum, participation as listener or speaker, sponsor and advertising opportunities.
