St. Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

10th International Forum

Date: 24.03.2010 - 26.03.2010 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: RESTEC

Topics: Natural Resources, Municipal Management, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions

"St. Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex - 2010" exhibition news, 11-Feb-2010

Announce: On March 24, the 10th Anniversary "St. Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex - 2010" will start its work.

On March 24, the 10th Anniversary "St. Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex - 2010" will start its work. The problems of thermo-nuclear power engineering and radiation safety will be discussed at it. The forum is organized with the support of the industrial and federal governmental authorities.

The working program of the Forum is large and heavy - a plenary session, conferences, and round tables cover the questions of operation and sustainable development of Fuel and Energy Complex: innovative methods of field exploration and development, transportation and processing of oil and gas, electric, nuclear, and thermo-nuclear power engineering.

At the round table "Nuclear and radiation safety is the basis of innovative development of nuclear power engineering", which is organized with the participation of the Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the "Rosatom" state corporation, there will be a discussion of the questions of the state policy in the field of nuclear safety and nuclear power use as well as standardization and technics of nuclear safety support and personnel training. The heads of the state safety regulating departments, representatives of research institutes, planning and design offices, leading firms and companies from Russia, CIS countries and Europe, which are heavily involved in the nuclear and radiation safety problems, will read out their reports at the event.

The thermo-nuclear power engineering will become the main topic of another round table, organized with the participation of the largest in Russia centers of nuclear engineering and technologies development - Russian Research Center "Kurchatovsky Institute" and Research and Design Institute for Power Engineering n.a. N.A. Dollezhal (NIKIET). Among the topics, which will be covered at this event, there are the neutron sources for nuclear and thermo-nuclear power engineering, fast neutron reactors, fast reactor with heavy heat carriers.

The organizers expect that over 500 chief executives and top managers of power engineering plants, nuclear power plants, petrochemical and transport companies, representatives of industrial ministries and departments, specialists of financial, legal, investment, and consulting firms, and also independent analytics from Russia, Vietnam, Norway, Finnland, and Ukraine will take part at the Forum's work in 2010.


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