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St. Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

10th International Forum

Date: 24.03.2010 - 26.03.2010 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: RESTEC

Topics: Natural Resources, Municipal Management, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions

"St. Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex - 2010" exhibition news, 19-Feb-2010

Announce: On March 24 - 26, 2010, on the initiative of the federal ministries and departments, the "St. Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex" is going to be held in St. Petersburg.

On March 24 - 26, 2010, on the initiative of the federal ministries and departments, the "St. Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex" is going to be held in St. Petersburg.

The business program of the Forum includes conferences and round tables in the main sectors of fuel and energy complex: raw materials for power engineering, deposits development and extraction, including Arctic oil and gas fields development, oil processing and petrochemistry, power generation for megalopolises, development of nuclear power engineering and nuclear safety support.

During the Forum sessions the reports will be read out by Academicians N.P. Laverov, E.P. Velikhov, A.E. Kontorovich, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology S.E. Donskoy, Deputy Chairman of Board of Directors of OAO "Gazprom" V.A. Golubev, Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg A.I. Sergeev, representatives of OAO "Gazprom", OAO NK "Rosneft", OAO "TGK-1", OAO "Zarubezhneft", ZAO ""OPK", OOO "Gazflot", OOO "Gazprom Dobycha Shelf", "Shtockman Development AG", SP "Vietsovpetro", chief executives and experts of the leading industrial enterprises and organizations.

The congress events of the Forum will be accompanied by expositions, where the up-to-date technologies and equipment for fuel and energy complex will be presented. At the moment, the preparations are made for carrying out the exhibitions "Minerals and Raw Stuff, Fuel and Energy Resources", "Neftegasexpo", "Oil Processing and Petrochemistry", "Trans-Tek-Expo - 2010", "AtomTEK (Atomic Power Engineering)", "Energomash of Russia".


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