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St. Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

10th International Forum

Date: 24.03.2010 - 26.03.2010 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: RESTEC

Topics: Natural Resources, Municipal Management, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions

"St. Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex - 2010" exhibition news, 22-Mar-2010

Announce: The 10th International Forum "St Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex - 2010" will be held on March 24 - 26 in Saint Petersburg.

The 10th International Forum "St. Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex - 2010" will be held on March 24 - 26 in Saint Petersburg.

The 1st "St Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex" was organized in 2000, on the initiative of OAO Gazprom and oil refinery "KINEF", encouraged by the economic and industrial growth, which followed the recessionary 90's.

The development of the forum kept pace with modern history of Russia, reflecting the qualitative changes in the Russian economy during the last decade. Nowadays the forum focuses on the issues of sustainable development of the Russian energy sector and improving it's energy efficiency. The guests and participants of the forum are branch ministries and departments executives, top managers of Russian and foreign energy, resource extracting, petrochemical, and transport companies, specialists of investment and consulting firms, independent analysts and experts.

The Anniversary Forum "St Petersburg International Forum on Fuel and Energy Complex - 2010" will be opened on March 24 with the plenary meeting "Energy Efficiency Improving as a Strategic Development Direction of Fuel and Energy Complex". The following persons will take the floor: S.E. Donskoy, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, A.I. Sergeev, Saint Petersburg Vice-governor, A.M. Agapov, Director of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of GK "Rosatom", N.P. Laverov, Academician, Vice-president of RAS, Per A. Kjaners, Director of Field Development Department of "Statoil ASA", N.N. Shvez, General Director of OAO "Holding MRSK", and A.E. Kontorovich, Academician, Chairman of the Programming Committee of the Forum.

During the three days of the forum there will be conferences and round-table discussions, concerning main sectors of the fuel and energy complex, such as: oil and gas, nuclear, thermonuclear and electric power engineering. Key issues of the meetings will be: promising oil-and-gas complexes, offshore deposits development, including the development of Stockman GCF and Yamal resources, power engineering in big cities, nuclear power engineering safety, thermonuclear energy. Resulting documents will be forwarded to the Administration of the Russian Federation President, the Federation Council and State Duma of the Russian Federation.


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