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Fuel and energy complex of Ukrain: the present and the future - 2005

Attention! The event is over.

3rd International Forum

Date: 27.09.2005 - 30.09.2005 

City: Kiev - information about city

Holder: "International Exhibition Centre"

Topics: Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions


Дата публикации 4 августа 2005 года.

Meeting, devoted to the opening of the Forum with the assistance of representatives of the Government, authorities of the ministry and branch, guests of honour (Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine).

Ceremony of grand opening of the industrial tradeshow of the achievements and medium-term investment needs of the enterprises of FEC of Ukraine, up-to-date technologies, the equipment, materials, production and services on construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment for the enterprises of electric-power, coal, oil-and-gas and oil refining industries.

"Round-table discussion": "Investment potential and energy appeal of Ukraine" (Department of power industry, Department of the strategic policy and perspective development of FEC of the Ministry of fuel and energy of Ukraine).

Practical conference on questions of the realization of the state program of reconstruction and modernization of the thermoelectric power stations (the order of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the 8th September, 2004. №648- r Kiev "About the measures for during the period until 2010"). (Department of the power industry, Department of the strategic policy and perspective development of FEC of the Ministry of fuel and energy of Ukraine).

Presentations of the producers of equipment, products and services for the thermoelectric power stations.

"Round-table discussion": "Integration questions of entering of the energy system of Ukraine in EU". (Department of the foreign economic relations and the international cooperation, Department of the power industry of the Ministry of fuel and energy of Ukraine).

Session of the Working group, which functions under the aegis of the European Bank on questions of reforming of power sector (Department of a strategic policy and perspective development of FEC of the Ministry of fuel and energy of Ukraine, Energy business group of the department of power engineering of the European Reconstruction and Development Bank) Members of Working group.

The III International Conference "The culture of safety on the atomic power plants" (NAEC "Energoatom").

Conferences, "round-table discussions", seminars (Scientific and technical union of the power engineering specialists and electrical engineers of Ukraine):

  • The world trends of the development of power engineering in the XXI century and the impact on economy and national security of the state
  • The determinative role of the energy safety as the component of national security of the state
  • Well-grounded tariff policy in energy as the determining factor of the efficiency of the development of branch
  • The analysis of real business - projects of the power supply, the ways of guaranteeing their efficiency
  • The problems of the development of "small power engineering" and direction of their solutions
  • The stable development of regional energy as the determining factor of the social and economic stability of the development of the society
  • Ideological and systematical bases of the control of the development of power engineering

Seminars "The formation of the State list of the means of measuring technics, permitted for the application in Ukraine" (IEC, Ukrmetrtesrstandart, NTSEU).

Practical-scientific conference "Application of the directed ultrasonic waves for the control long measured objects with limited access" , "The ultrasonic inspection of pipes and conduits, executed by contact-arched welding" (Ukrainian association NC TD, Company "Plant Integrity Ltd", "TWI" (England), Institute of the electric welding named after E.O.Patona NAS Ukraine).

Presentations of the technologies and production for the enterprises of FEC.


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