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Senior Citizens - 2010

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International Forum

Date: 18.03.2010 - 21.03.2010 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city


Topics: Medicine and Health Care, Society

"Senior Citizens - 2010" exhibition news, 01-Feb-2010

Announce: On March 18 - 21, in Saint Petersburg, at the "Lenexpo" fairgrounds, the International Forum "Senior Citizens - 2010" will be held.

On March 18 - 21, in Saint Petersburg, at the "Lenexpo" fairgrounds, the International Forum "Senior Citizens - 2010" will be held.

There will be master-classes for visitors on applied art during the Forum work. Everyone will be able to make with his or her own hands and under supervision of the experts the products, which they like most. It will also be possible to try hand at pictorial art here.

It has already become a tradition, that everyone who wants can learn how to operate the computers. There will be an express study of persomal computer operation for Forum visitors. They will be able to get information from the Internet on all topics they are interested in.

A set of lectures on the topic "A Path to Health" will be read out at the Forum, the famous representatives of traditional and non-traditional medicine will share their knowledge with the visitors.

On March 20, on the platform of the exhibition pavilion № 5, the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports, together with the Federation of Sports Aerobics and Fitness, will carry out a festival on recreative gymnastics "Saint Petersburg Grace - 2010" for the district sports clubs, which practise recreative gymnastics with elderly people.

The Forum cultural program will be culminated on March 21, by a competition of the elegant generation dancers "Dance While You Are Young". The competition will have three nominations: Latin dance couples, European dance couples, and dance bands. The winners will be awarded diplomas, medals, and gifts from the sponsors.

The Forum organizers arrange this Forum not only for social sphere specialists but, in the first place, for elderly people.

The exhibition, its working and scientific programs are meant to start a dialogue between the different generations in the Russian society, to give additional momentum to consolidation of the people of all ages, contribute to understanding that all the people - children, youths, adults, senior people are members of one society, and are building up a decent life for every Russian citizen together.


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