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Geoform+ 2011

Attention! The event is over.

8th International Specialized Forum of Newest Technologies in the Field of Geodesy, Cartography, Geoinformational Systems, Intelligent Transport Systems and Satellite Navigation, Engineering Geology and Geophysics

Date: 15.03.2011 - 18.03.2011 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MVK International exhibition company

Topic: Industrial Exhibitions

"Geoform+ 2011" exhibition news, 20-Oct-2010

Announce: The list of exhibitors for 8th International Industrial Forum "Geoform+ 2011" (15 - 18 of Match, Moscow) is continuing to append new participants.

The list of exhibitors for 8th International Industrial Forum "Geoform+ 2011" (15 - 18 of Match, Moscow) is continuing to append new participants.

Organizer is glad to greet at the exhibition the world leader in the field of development and production of high-precision custom hardware GLONASS/GPS/GALILEO - company "JАVAD GNSS" at the exhibition.

On the base of the newest self-design project "VLSI TRIUMPH", the company produces big range of professional GLONASS/GPS/GALILEO systems, which are wide used in geodesy, cadastral traversing, scientific astronomic and other researches, sea satellite navigation.

Trademark "JAVAD" is known in GNSS sector for more than 15 year, from the moment of appearance of first civil GPS receiver. Company constantly stay one of the market leaders and determine the way of the sector development for long-term perspective with its своей production.

Head office of the company and own works are situated in Silicon Valley, USA, and the scientific and production center, which is situated in Moscow in Triumph Palace, united more than 110 engineers, Candidates and Doctors of Science. Great longstanding experience of work in sector, qualification employees, use of the newest equipment, laboratory, measuring and test facilities make developments of "JAVAD" one of the most progressive and dependable at the market of global satellite navigation equipment.

One more participant of exhibition "Geoform+ 2011" is company "Geometer-Center". The company is formed in the year 2005 and make topographic-geodesic, prospecting work, geodesic construction maintenance, software supply, stuff training and setting up the technology of industry. Also company "Geometer-Center" is authorized partner and official distributor of company "Leica Geosystems AG" (Switzerland). The company offer wide variety of engineer's levels, pipeline finders, tachymeters, satellite geodetic systems. And the specialists of the company will always help you to choose an optimal equipment for you.


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