IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Нефть и газ, химия. ТЭК - 2025

Gifts of Siberia - 2013

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized Exhibition

Date: 12.08.2013 - 11.09.2013 

City: Novosibirsk - information about city

Holder: EXPONSK ltd.

Topics: Agriculture, Food Industry, Consumer Goods

"Gifts of Siberia - 2013" exhibition news, 19-Jun-2013

Announce: The specialized exhibition "Gifts of Siberia - 2013" will be held from 12th of August to 11th of September in Novosibirsk. For the first time the exhibition will take place in the territory jointed with the State Department Store.

For the first time the specialized exhibition "Gifts of Siberia - 2013" will take place in the territory of Leninskii district of Novosibirsk at address - Karl Marx square, building 1, in the territory jointed with the State Department Store - trading yard, where traditionally social fairs, school markets, winter entertainment events (children's New Year party, ice rink) are held.

Karl Marx square is a large road junction: "Ploshchad Marxa" metro station has passenger throughput of 47 thousand people daily; the overland transport includes about 50 transport routes. Such shopping centers as "Sun City", "Versal", Festival", "Granit" , "Alexandrovskii", "Podsolnukh", "Kristall" are situated in the square. Near the trading yard bus route terminal is located, the buses carry thousands of visitors to the family shopping center "Mega" every day.

The exhibition sections, the exposition subject:

  • Natural products:
    • honey and apicultural products
    • wild harvest - mushrooms, nuts
    • berries and fruit-and-berry products (jams, marmalades, halva, desserts, sherbets, juices and syrups)
    • herbs - medicative herbs and aromatherapy, herbal preparations and balms, cosmetics made from herbal components, pharmaceutical products based on herbs
  • Seeds, young plants and other planting materials
  • Plant-protecting agents, fertilizers
  • Garden structures, hot beds, hot houses, irrigation systems, covering materials
  • Consumer goods, folk crafts

The following events will be held within the exhibition: program events with attraction of specialists with a view to render information and consulting support for amateur gardeners ("Dachnaya Akademiya", Information edition "Shest sotok v Sibiri", specialists from Novosibirsk State Agrarian University), traditional competition and tasting of honey, festive performances coincided with Savior of the Honey Feast Day and Savior of the Apple Feast Day". On 14th of August from 1 p. m. the blessing of the honey will take place.


Additional information:
