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Public Health Care in the Northern Caucasus - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

Medical Congress

Date: 25.02.2010 - 27.02.2010 

City: Kislovodsk - information about city

Holder: ROSTEX

Topic: Medicine and Health Care

"Public Health Care in the Northern Caucasus - 2010" exhibition news, 08-Sep-2009

Announce: On February 17-19, in 2010, in Kislovodsk, within the framework of the 9th South Russia Resort Forum "Caucasian Health Resort - 2010", a medical congress "Public Health Care in the Northern Caucasus - 2010".

On February 17-19, in 2010, in Kislovodsk, within the framework of the 9th South Russia Resort Forum "Caucasian Health Resort - 2010", a Medical Congress "Public Health Care in the Northern Caucasus - 2010" will be held.

The Medical Congress "Public Health Care in the Northern Caucasus - 2010" will bring together to its platform the experts of the public health care: representatives of the preventive treatment facilities, medical research centers, and also the top managers of sanatoria in the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Medicine in Stavropol Region is one of the most important socially significant sector of the economy. The region has one of the most developed public healtyh care infrastructure in Russia. The territory is positioned as the land of health, recreation, and business communications. The perl of the Stavropol Region - Caucasian Mineral Waters - is an all Russia health resort. The development of this region and prosperity of the health resorts are directly connected to the introduction of innovative technologies in the activity of medical facilities and training of highly qualified staff. The upcoming forum is one of the target events in the governmental programme for this territory and is meant for development of the medical facilities on the Caucasian Mineral Waters and for the public health care in the Stavropol region. The carrying out of the forum has become especially important in view of the realization of the national priority project "Zdorovie", which is aimed at the industry modernization, outfitting of medical facilities with up-to-date medical equipment, raising of availability of qualified medical help.

Holding of medical congress in the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters contributes to the promotion of the newest technologies of the leading manufacturers in the field of pharmaceuticals, medical engineering, stomatology, rehabilitation, cosmetology; demonstrates modern methods in balneotherapy and balneology; offers all the necessary for integrated outfitting of health resorts, in-patient hospitals, polyclinics, laboratories, drug-stores, beauty salons, fitness centers.

The congress "Public Health Care in the Northern Caucasus - 2010" is a large-scale event, combining scientific, educational, and business oriented programme with specialized expositions: "Your Health", "Stomadent", "Beauty and Health".

Goals and tasks of the medical congress "Public Health Care in the Northern Caucasus" include:

  1. Consolidation and renovation of material and technical infrastructure of the medical facilities on Caucasian Mineral Waters and adequate resources' provision for them
  2. Introduction of new technologies of diagnostics and treatment
  3. Assistance in expanding of the existing sanatoria and resort infrastructure in the region
  4. Formation of the of high-tech reabilitation medicine center

The distinctive feature of the congress "Public Health Care in the Northern Caucasus" is its serious scientific and practical programme, including conferences: "Caucasian Mineral Waters" - the federal resort for treatment of patients with diabetes, "Modern Methods of Treatment and Rehabilitation", and "Diagnostics and Treatment of Respiratory Organ Diseases", as well as sectional meeting "The Role of Health Resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters in Treatment of Urological Diseases".

Among the participants of the congress expositions there are the national suppliers of medical goods and services, dealers and manufacturers of western medical products, medical higher education establishments and research institutes.

The need for the event of such form and topical targeting on the Caucasian Mineral Waters is confirmed by the results of the forum "Caucasian Health Resort" in the previous years. In 2009, over 100 medical organizations became the exhibitors of the congress expositions, most of them are the leaders in developing health improving technologies on the base of the unique natural factors and scientific medical achievements.

In the last year over 1500 experts were the visitors to the expositions and events of the working programme: managers of the treatment and rehabilitation centers and preventive treatment facilities on the Caucasian Mineral Waters, managers of sanatoria and resort complexes, specialists in the field of endocrinology, gastroenterology, clinical nutrition.

The South Russian resort and medical forum "Caucasian Health Resort" is an ideal platform for solution of theoretical and applied tasks of the modern medicine, presentation of innovative programmes, technologies and projects, investment and development of private and state partnership in the sphere of public health care. The organizers are set for a long term perspective and enlargement of the project expositions and its scientific programme.


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