ПромтехЭКСПО - 2025
Ярмарка недвижимости. Весна - 2025

Press Release


10th international Healthcare Exhibition


Business programme


Press Conference


The Press Conference for Hospital, AestheticMed and Pharmacy exhibitions was held on 4th October and attracted more than 25 journalists from the leading newspapers, TV channels and radio.


The speakers were:


  1. A.A. Redko — Chairman of the Commission on Public Health Services and Ecology

  2. A.S. Simahodskiy — Head of the Department for Mother and Child Medical Care, Healthcare Committee of the St.Petersburg Government
  3. Т. Vagner Representative of the National Stand of Bavaria
  4. D.T. Sevastyanova — Director of Medical Exhibitions Department, Primexpo Ltd
  5. S.V. Kartoshkina — PR Director, Primexpo Ltd


"I am grateful to the organisers for inviting the best managers and specialists. We have the opportunity to view new equipment and technologies. It is an important event for the St.Petersburg healthcare industry. In 2004, a plan to modernise the St.Petersburg healthcare industry in 2004-2010 was adopted by the Government of St.Petersburg. The Hospital exhibition is an integral part of this plan,"

A.S. Simakhodsky.


Official Opening Ceremony


The following people took part:


  1. L.A. Kostkina — Vice-Governor of St.Petersburg
  2. J.A. Sherbuk — Chairman of the Healthcare Committee of St.Petersburg
  3. A.A. Redko — Chairman of the Commission on Public Health Services and Ecology
  4. B.M. Taits — President of the St.Petersburg Medical Association
  5. T.N. Korolkova — Chairman of the Society of Cosmetic Physicians of St.Petersburg
  6. T.V. Zaichenko — Chairman of the Pharmaceutical Association of St.Petersburg and the North-West
  7. М.М. Gubin — General Director, VIPS MED
  8. M. Iohannes — European Operational Director, ITE Group Plc
  9. D.T. Sevastyanova — Director of the Department of Medical Exhibitions, Primexpo Ltd



"The Hospital exhibition is of great importance to St.Petersburg. We will study the products on display this year, which are future supplies of equipment and materials for the city's medical institutions,"

L. A. Kostkina

Vice-Governor of St.Petersburg


"Every year, we are pleased to see the percentage of Russian producers taking part in the exhibition rise... Medical products manufacturers are regenerating in Russia "

A.A. Redko.

Gala Reception

The Official Gala Reception to celebrate the Opening of the exhibitions took place on 4th October at the Anichkov Palace. Over 300 people were present at the reception, including exhibitors, official delegations from the city administration, head doctors and chief specialists, representatives of healthcare and prophylactic establishments, PRIMEXPO company partners and media representatives.


The Awards Ceremony was held during the reception and nominations included: "10 Year Participation in the Exhibition" and "The Best Stand".




10 year participation in the exhibition




PhilipS Medizinsy5teme




Siemens LTD. Medical solutions

Beaufour Ipsen International

Toshiba MedicaL Systems



Balt Medical

Medium Renaissance

Vital Diagnostics SPB


Business programme

Over many years, the Hospital, Pharmacy and AestheticMed exhibitions have contributed to the application of new medical technologies and the training of highly-skilled specialists. During the exhibition, various events are held, including conferences for doctors and scientists, round tables, seminars and presentations, and press conferences. The exhibitions are an opportunity to view the latest scientific and technical developments in the field of medicine, analyse development trends in the medical service, meet leading healthcare specialists and key players in the industry and discuss issues and how to solve them.


The "BUILDING THE CLINIC'S MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" seminar was held on the first day of the exhibition. Svetlana Olovyannikova, Marketing Manager of ASCOD, described the event as "the first seminar where issues regarding the management of clinics and efficient marketing and advertising on the medical market have been considered. It proved interesting; we received a lot of useful and detailed information from the specialists, which was both theoretical and practical. It is impossible to find such concentrated information in customary sources. I believe that acquired knowledge will help managers in the medical institutions move successfully and with confidence towards their goals."


The "CLINICAL AND LABORATORY CONSULTING BOARD: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS" conference was held alongside the Hospital exhibition. Speakers included V.L. Emanuel, Professor (Pavlov State Medical University at St.Petersburg), and E.N. Kolosovskaya, Professor (Mechnikov Medical Academy).


Pharmacy professionals, including representatives of the federal and city governments, and directors of medical companies and associations, participated in the 5th North-West Region Conference "IMPLEMENTING FEDERAL LAW №122-FZ DATED 22.08.2004: ADDITIONAL PROVISION OF MEDICINES IN THE NORTHWESTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT. CONDITIONS, PROBLEMS, PROSPECTS". Speakers included E.


A. Telnova, Deputy Head of the Federal Serviceon Supervision in the sphere of Public Health Services and Social Development, A.A. Redko, Chairman of the Commission on Public Health Services and Ecology, and T.G. Shatravka, Vice-chairwoman of the Committee for Public Health Services of the Government among others.



On 5-6 October, AestheticMed participants and visitors were given the opportunity to take part in the "PROFESSIONAL COSMETICS AND EQUIPMENT-ASSISTED COSMETOLOGY" Conference. Speakers included representatives of the St.Petersburg Academy of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, SPb MAPO, the "Na Savushkina" St.Petersburg Beauty Institute and leading cosmetic companies, including ECO-SAPROPEL, INNEXIUM, PLASTEK, BOFUR IPSEN (Russia), NOUGAT BEST, VYSOKIE TEKHNOLOGII, SOLANA, etc. More than 16 reports presented during the conference covered topics concerning modern cosmetology: the use of medical muds, the application of synthetic peptides in cosmetic practices, new methods of selective influence on expanded blood vessels, established facts about sunburn and ultra-violet rays.


Participant Comments

"ZAO TRANS-SIGNAL from N.Novgorod took part in the Hospital exhibition in St.Petersburg for the first time…The exhibition has exceeded all our expectations. Due to the competent organisation and large number of visitors, we established partnerships with scores of wholesale and retail consumers. We plan to sign of 4 significant contracts regarding our production supply."

A. Grigoryeva

Marketing Manager of TRANS-SIGNAL


"Our company regularly takes part in the Hospital exhibition. We are pleased to note that the number of visitors at the exhibition grows every year, as well as the professionalism of its organisers. The 10th jubilee exhibition once again proved that Hospital was an outstanding event for both residents and visitors of St.Petersburg… Participation in the exhibition this year has given us a chance to display our products to healthcare specialists and organisers and sign a number of new contracts".

A.K. Leokumovich

General Director of MERIMED


"The exhibition is busy compared to two other exhibitions in which we took part and it is not easy to leave the stand. The exhibition attracts many trade visitors who come to our stand, especially cosmetologists as we offer a lot of cosmetology equipment. Working exhibition, pleasant atmosphere".

O. Shulga

Account Manager of MAGICSUN


"We enjoy the exhibition — the level is high and there are a lot of visitors. We realised our aims for the exhibition. We hope that there will be the same large number of visitors next year".

O. Pirogova

Sales Department Manager of VITAL DIAGNOSTICS




Next year, the Hospital, Pharmacy and AestheticMed exhibitions will be held at Lenexpo on 3-6 October.


Additional information:
