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Hospital - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

14th International Specialized Healthcare Exhibition

Date: 07.10.2009 - 09.10.2009 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: MVK company, office in St. Petersburg

Topic: Medicine and Health Care

"Hospital - 2009" exhibition news, 01-Oct-2009

Announce: On October 7-9, in Saint Petersburg, the largest Forum on Public Health Care in the North-West of Russia is going to be held - International Exhibitions "Hospital - 2009", "Pharmacy - 2009" and "EstheticMed - 2009".

On October 7-9, in Saint Petersburg, the largest Forum on Public Health Care in the North-West of Russia is going to be held - International Exhibitions "Hospital - 2009", "Pharmacy - 2009" and "EstheticMed - 2009".

The exhibition is included into the plan of the first priority events of Saint Petersburg Government.

This year, the companies from Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Ryazan, Kazan, Orenburg, Novosibirsk, Novgorod, Taganrog, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod as well as enterprises from Republic of Belarus and Ukraine are represented at the exhibitions. For the first time the companies from the Republic of South Africa are participating as exhibitors. The exhibitors geography shows the high level and demand of the exhibitions on public health care in Saint Petersburg.

The afore mentioned projects give the industry professionals the opportunity to present their up-to-date technologies and equipment for laboratories, medical facilities, pharmaceuticals production, ambulances, medical services, to exhibit various medicines, mineral preparations and vitamins, enzymes, vaccines, dietary agents, and also equipment for beauty salons, fitness complexes, professional and therapeutic cosmetics and a lot of others.

Today, the main goal of the exhibition is the promotion of the national manufacturers, in particular - the active support of small-, and middle-scale business enteprises.

Thanks to specially designed favorable conditions, the organizers managed to attract to participation a great number of the Russian manufacturers, among others there are:

  • Scientific and Production Enterprise "RATEX" - Ultrasonic Scaners "Rascan" for examination of internal parts of a body - stand А 51
  • "Medbalans pro" - negatoscopes for viewing X-ray pictures, there is a novelty among them - negatoscope "Optima EO" - stand А 52
  • DNA-Technology - equipment for polymerase chain reaction and reagents - stand А 27
  • "Korvey" OJSC - will present the novelties of high quality laboratory equipment: uretic analyzers UriLit, hematologic analyzers HemaLit, biochemical analyzers BioLit - stand А 42
  • "Mitzar" OJSC - medical equipment for functional diagnostics, neurology, reanimation, ambulance of the brands "Mitzar", "Valenta", "Angiodin" - stand А 49
  • Scientific and Production Enterprise "Measuring Systems" - small-size echoencephaloscopes "ЭЭС-70" - stand А 50

There will be traditionally presented collective stands of manufacturers and suppliers of medical preparations, which are arranged under support of Pharmaceutical Associations of Saint Petersburg and North-West (stand P 18).

The programme of the exhibitions:

  1. One of the main events of the programme will be Saint Petersburg Medical Forum "Medical Clinics: Recipes of Survival and Profit Increasing" (October 8-9, 10:00-18:00, conference room of the hotel "Morskoi Vokzal")
    Organizers: Institute of Medoco-Social Reforms, NP "United Medicine", NP "Assistance in Uniting Private Medical Centers and Clinics", "Primexpo" ltd.
    The forum will highlight the following topics: adaptation of medical clinics to the new economic conditions, reducing costs and increasing profits, optimization of staff proficiency, application of new methods of legal protection against patients claims
  2. The 6th Interregional Conference "The Vital Problems of Pharmacy - 2009" will be held with the support of Pharmaceutical Association of Saint Petersburg and the North-West Region (October 8, 11:00-15:00, Pavilion 6, conference room)
    Organizers: Pharmaceutical Association of Saint Petersburg and the North-West Region, Saint Petersburg Professional Association of Pharmacists, "Primexpo" ltd.
    The participation in the conference is paid (for members of Pharmaceutical Association of Saint Petersburg and the North-West Region and for members of Saint Petersburg Professional Association of Pharmacists the participation is free)
    The experts in pharmaceutical industry will be able to discuss at the conference the issues of the new legal documents, which bring under regulations the order of purchase and sale of the medicines at pharmaceutical institutions and medical facilities; organization of work with narcotic substances and other controlled pharmaceuticals in medical and preventive treatment facilities; estimation of pharmaceuticals quality
  3. Within the framework of Scientific and Practical Conference "Esthetic Medicine" (October 7, 11:00-16:00, Pavilion 6, conference room 6.2), the cosmetologists will discuss the issues on esthetic medicine, plastic surgery, and physiotherapy
  4. Seminar "Situation on the Market of Medicine and Pharmaceutics" (October 7, 14:30-15:30, Pavilion 4, VIP-cafe, stand А 60)
    Organizer: HeadHunter: Saint Petersburg
  5. Seminar "Peculiarities of Promotion of Pharmaceuticals on the North-West Market" (October 7, 16:00-17:00, Pavilion 4, VIP-cafe, stand А 60)
    Organizer: ID "Terra Medica"
  6. Vacancies fair (October 7-9, Pavilion 4, stand P 01)
    Organizer: HeadHunter: Saint Petersburg

Within the framework of the exhibition "Hospital - 2009", with the support of the Russian Academy of Art, a charitable act "Saint Petersburg Artists to the City Hospitals" will be carried out, during which painted pictures will be presented to the city hospitals.

"Hospital" is traditionally intended for socially important issues. This year the exhibition will become one of those events, which contribute to the realization of concept of public health care system modernization in Saint Petersburg up to 2010, according to which all the residents of Saint Petersburg will receive a qualified medical aid for free, an also to realization of the national project "Health" in the North-West Region.

The importance of the project is also confirmed by its official support. This year the exhibition has been included in the list of events, supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the RF. The exhibition is also suppored by the Saint Petersburg Government, Committee on Public Health Care under the Saint Petersburg Government, Committee on Public Health Care under Leningrad Region Government, Pharmaceutical Association of Saint Petersburg and the North-West Region, Medical Association of Saint Petersburg, Scientific and Practical Association of Saint Petersburg Cosmetologists.


  • Primexpo, ltd.
    The "Primexpo" company - the official partner of ITE Group plc - was founded in 1996. The company organizes 23 exhibitions annually, eight of them were awarded with the sign of UFI and seven received the sign of the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RSVYa). Every year about 3,5 thousand companies from 60 countries take part in the exhibitions, the number of visitors is over 180,000 experts per year
  • ITE Group plc (Great Britain)
    The company ITE Group plc is the leading organizer of international exhibitions and conferences in the world. It was founded in 1991. ITE Group has 23 offices in 18 countries all over the world. ITE Group holds over 180 exhibition events in 11 countries every year.

Additional information:
