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Industrial Forum - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

3rd International Exhibition

Date: 05.10.2010 - 08.10.2010 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: IEC "Crocus Expo"

Topics: Natural Resources, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions

"Industrial Forum - 2010" exhibition news, 06-Oct-2009

Announce: The organizer invites you to take part in the 3rd International Exhibition "Industrial Forum - 2010", which is going to be held on October 5-8, 2010, at the International Exhibition Center "Crocus Expo" (Moscow).

The organizer invites you to take part in the 3rd International Exhibition "Industrial Forum - 2010", which is going to be held on October 5-8, 2010, at the International Exhibition Center "Crocus Expo" (Moscow).

The exhibition is held under the auspices and with participation of:

  • Federation Council of the RF
  • State Duma of the RF
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the RF
  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the RF
  • Russian Union of Industrialists and Enterpreneurs, Trade Unions and Associations

"Industrial Forum" combines a number of specialized exhibitions, which represent all industrial sectors:

  • TECHNOTEX / Industrial Technologies and Equipment (Nanotechnologies)
  • PETROLEX / Oil-and-Gas Industry
  • CHEMINEX / Chemical Industry
  • ELENEX / Electric Power Engineering
  • GEOMINEX / Geology. Mining Industry

The main goal of this exhibition is to help industrial enterprises in expansion of their trade and economic cooperation, in development and modernization of their production facilities, in attraction of additional investments.

The business-friendly programme of the exhibition "Industrial Forum - 2010" has a lot of conferences, seminars, presentations, and creates the necessary conditions for experience exchange between its participants, including representatives of the legislative and executive authorities of the regions of Russia.

The organizers are sure that the exhibition "Industrial Forum - 2010" will not only contribute to the solving of the most urgent problems of particular enterprises, but will also become one of the instruments for the country economy transfer to innovative production and management.


The informational partners of the exhibition project will be the leading national industrial publishers and Internet portals.

The participation in the exhibition will help to broaden partnership relations and present the highest opportunity to promote your products on the Russian and foreign markets.


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