IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Металлобработка. Металлургия - 2025

Innovations and Technologies - 2011

Attention! The event is over.

2nd International Exhibition and Forum

Date: 12.04.2011 - 14.04.2011 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Open Company "Innotex-Expo"

Topic: Industrial Exhibitions

"Innovations and Technologies - 2011" exhibition news, 23-Mar-2011

Announce: For the first time as a part of exhibition and forum "Innovations and technologies" (12 - 14 of April, Moscow) exhibition and competition of inventions and innovations "Inventions salon" will be organized.

As a reply to numerous calls to the Organizing committee for the first time as a part of exhibition and forum "Innovations and technologies" the specialized "Inventions salon" will be organized, it is an exhibition and a competition of inventions and innovations presented by individual inventors, small enterprises, research teams, youth associations. "Inventions salon" includes a stand exposition and competitive program and it is held solely for the purpose of demonstration of opportunities of Russian inventors, attraction of business and government attention to them.

Topics of innovations:

  • Connection, telecommunications, information technologies
  • Energy saving and energy efficiency
  • Ecology and human welfare
  • House building and furnishing
  • Medicine and pharmacology

Exposition part:

A participant of the "Inventions salon" will be offered an advertising stand 2 sq. m. in area (1m х 2m), equipped with furniture, light and electrical socket. The participant can demonstrate his exhibit items, to hold business negotiations at the stand.

Competitive program:

A participant of the "Inventions salon" can present his projects to the competition "Open opportunities" which will be held as a part of the "Inventions salon" and exhibition and forum "Innovations and technologies - 2011". All the presented projects will be estimated by Expert board which consists of representatives from science, business, governmental authorities. Winners of the competition will be awarded with commemorative diplomas. Results of the competition will be posted at the exhibition web-site, in mass media and also will be forwarded to relevant organization for further advance and commercialization.

Salon participants:

  • small enterprises
  • individual inventors
  • research teams
  • youth associations

The Organizing committee will view every application for participation in the Salon and they reserves the wright to reject it in case of absence of novelty or non-conformity to the subject.

Opportunities for participants:

  • During three days of the exhibition and forum "Innovations and technologies - 2011" and the "Inventions salon" work a participant demonstrates his invention to wide audience of visitors, participants, special guests of the exhibition, scientists, venture capital funds representatives, business angels
  • Participation in competitive program gives an opportunity to present your research result to specialists of the sector in order to get experts' marks and comments
  • Results of participation in exhibition and competition have wide proclamation, are published in all the post-media and recommended to reviewing to potential investors

Additional information:
