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Integrated Systems Russia - 2009

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3rd International Exhibition of Professional Audio and Video Equipment, and System Integration

Date: 08.12.2009 - 10.12.2009 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: "Midexpo - Exhibition and Fairs", Ltd

Topic: Information Technologies and Communications

"Integrated Systems Russia - 2009" exhibition news, 19-Nov-2009

Announce: On December 8, within the framework of the 3rd International Exhibition-Conference "Integrated Systems Russia - 2009", which is going to be held on December 8-10 in Moscow, the conference under the same title will be carried out.

On December 8, within the framework of the 3rd International Exhibition-Conference "Integrated Systems Russia - 2009", which is going to be held on December 8-10 in Moscow, the conference under the same title will be carried out.

For the third consecutive year the "Integrated Systems Russia" conference brings together the leading experts in the field for constructive dialogue with the aim at establishing new business contacts, experience and opinions exchange. It is a business-platform for building relations between equipment manufacturers, system integrators, and customers.

In the year 2009, the "Integrated Systems Russia" conference, together with the exhibition, are devoted to such important questions as outfitting of socially important facilities with professional audio-visual systems.

A great attention in our country is currently paid to the outfitting of medical facilities, educational establishments, transportation and governmental offices, such as Administration Department of the RF President, RF Covernment, Moscow Mayor's Office, RF Security Council, RF Ministry on Civil Defense, Emergency Situations, and Disaster Control, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and others, with professional AV-Systems. Situational centers, monitoring systems, dispatch offices, disaster control centers are created in these structures, they allow to provide information and analytical support for events of national importance in more up-to-date formate, carry out interregional meetings without leaving the office study, exchange experience and establish business relations, carry out monitoring of operational procedure, make operational decisions and control their execution.

Professional audio-visual technologies became an integral part of the modern medicine a long time ago. Such equipment corresponds to the most modern developments of scientists and engineers in the field of improving the quality of medical services for population and, and that is the most important, allows to speak about saving thousands of human lives in situations, when it was impossible just ten years ago.

For example, the professional audio-visual equipment is used for distant transmission of medical information and provides a basis for such field as telemedicine. The telemedicine allows to receive qualified diagnostical advice of the leading Russian doctors from the remotest parts of Russia, without spending money on expensive flights and accommodation. Telemedicine has also made possible a long term supervision of patients as well as interactive medical equipment control during the time of diagnostic exploration, distant medical treatment, surgery based on remote controlled robotics.

The first section of the "Application of Audio-Visual Technologies in Governmental Offices and Socially Important Institutions" conference, which is going to be held in conference room No.2, will be dedicated to these and other sections.

Working program of the section:

11:30-13:30 - Complex solutions with the application of professional audio-visual equipment for governmental authorities.

Moderator: Elena Novikova, General Director of Polymedia Company.

  • "Visualization technologies - a bearing point of a situational center" - Elena Novikova, General Director of Polymedia Company.
  • "Prospective development trends of information display means" - Sergey Sterlikov, RTA-engineering
  • "Integrated solutions for conference rooms of governmental offices" - Alexandr Susorov, Head of Technical Department of Askrin Engineering
  • "Videoconference-communication as means of raising work efficiency and cost reduction" - Denis Seliverstov, Head of Audio-Visual Technologies Department, ISPA
  • "Software and technical solutions for situational centers of the higher bodies of state authority" - Alexandr Sadchikhin, General Director of the AP Technological Researches company, Alexandr Morozov, Sectorial Director of the AP Technological Researches company
  • "The role of video conference communication in the complex outfitting of modern conference rooms (using the example of the project for the developing company Khorus Capital). Up-to-date technologies and forecast for the future" - Maxim Mukhanov, Deputy General Director, Business-Media
  • "Visualization of the distributed information streams in management centers, situational centers, meeting and conference rooms" - Igor Isheev, Technical Director of Polymedia company

13:30-15:30 - Digital Signage technologies in the socially important institutions.

Moderator: Lev Orlov, Chief Editor of InAVate Russia.

  • "Foreign experience of standard and individual solutions with the application of Digital Signage" - Oliver Shvede, Chief Analyst of invidis consulting, Digital Signage Association OVAB Europe
  • "Digital Signage systems for public service centers. Using the example of the Service Center for Population and Organizations of the Moscow Prefect's Office" - A.S. Israelyan, Deputy General Director of "Granit-Center" OJSC, K.A. Sharin, Commercial Director of "Legion" group of companies
  • Two European examples of using Digital Signage systems in socially important institutions: "Vedgewood" Museum of Porcelain, "Odysseum" entertaining and educational complex in Cologne - Patric Backly, Sales Manager in Central and Eastern Europe, Adder Company
  • "Application of information displays for outfitting railway and avia terminals using the example of Kursk Railway Station" - Jury Nesvetayev, General Director of Mediavisor Company

15:30-16:50 - Application of professional audio-video equipment in medical institutions.

Moderator: Alexandr Susorov, Head of Technical Department of Askrin Engineering.

  • "Translation of knee surgical operation" - Alexandr Susorov, Head of Technical Department of Askrin Engineering
  • Experience of using mobile telemedical centers on transport vehicles and in remote regions of Russia", "Low cost developments of video conference communication for teleconsultations of patient at feldsher's and obstetric stations (40000 feldsher's and obstetric stations in Russia) - Andrey Selkov, Vice-President of Association of Telemedicine
  • "Telemedical complexes: new level of technical equipment for medical centers" - Igor Makhrov, Head of Corporate Clients Department, "DELIGHT 2000" ltd.
  • "Application of video communication in medical facilities" - Michael Molchanov, Brand-Manager of the Department of Audio-Visual Technologies, ISPA

The government policy in the educational sector has been aimed at modernization of material and technical base of educational establishments, introduction of new programs and technologies, and raising the level of education quality on the whole. Application of professional audio-video developments allows not only to boost educational process, but also to raise effectiveness and quality of education.

The second section of the "Human IT & AV: Technologies for Education and Science" conference, which will start in the conference room No.1 at 14:00, will be devoted to the way the AV-solutions should be introduced into educational sector. The section will be carried out in the interactive mode. Every participant of the conference will become not only the listener but will be able to express his or her own opinion, thanks to the system of personal voting. The manufacturers and integrators will share their experience of realization of unique complex solutions for outfitting of cultural and educational establishments in Russia. The focus is on the new understanding of mutual relations of people and high technologies of the 21st century. The section moderators will be Sergey Kuvshinov, Russian State Humanitarian University, and Sergey Safronov, Educational League.

Main topics for discussions:

  1. Interactive monitoring of participants. Problems of introduction hi-tech technologies into modern educational system
  2. Governmental target programs of education development, the role and the place of the new information and communication technologies
  3. From singular deliveries to integrated solutions. New quality of education in hi-tech environment:
    - realization of innovative educational programs on interactive learning system development in universities
    - interactive technologies in modern Russian secondary schools and universities - new solutions
    - collective work of the teacher and the students with three dimensional content in virtual interactive audio-visual environment
    - role and place of audio-video presentation equipment for educational tasks solution
  4. Interactive monitoring. Quality of education and high technologies
  5. Questions, comments, speeches, judgements. Discussion results

Participants: Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF, Federal Service on Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science, Federal Agency on Education, Moscow Educational Department, regional educational authorities, Russian State University for the Humanities, Education League, Ascreen Engineering, Legion, DeLight 2000, Informika.


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