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Landscape Architecture. Floristics - 2011

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International Specialized Exhibition

Date: 06.04.2011 - 09.04.2011 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: IEC "Crocus Expo"

Topics: Agriculture, Food Industry, Building and real estate, Culture. Art. Collectibles. Antiques

"Landscape Architecture. Floristics - 2011" exhibition news, 06-Apr-2011

Announce: From 6th to 9th of April in Moscow International specialized exhibition "Landscape architecture. Floristics - 2011" will take place.

The event will be held with the support of National Guild of Florists, "Rus Tsvetuschaya" fund, the Russian Association of Landscape Architects, the Moscow Association of Landscape Architects (MOLA), "Eco-education" training center, the Moscow Chamber of Handicrafts, the Union of Designers International Association and Russian Academy of Arts.

"Landscape architecture. Floristics" is the largest and the most representative exhibition of landscape and floristic subject not only in Moscow but in Russia, which annually attracts leading professionals of the industry, potential clients and consumers of goods and services.

Last year the exhibition incorporated 280 companies from Russia and countries of the near abroad and the far abroad. Representatives from 12 countries demonstrated visitors advanced technologies of the branch and their best developments. Majority of the companies are permanent exhibitors, among them: Ecostyle, Hahn Kunstoffe GmbH, Bruns-pflanzen-Export GmbH, "S.P.A. HotSpring", "Super SPA", "Electromontazh", "Aqua-International", "Unitekhnica-2000", "Tiss-Ruzs", "Arkada Irrigation", "Tri lemona - Keramika". 18 000 visitors came to the event.

This year the anniversary exposition "Landscape architecture. Floristics - 2011" will weld together 350 companies. Guests of the exhibition will familiarize with latest technologies, equipment and materials for landscape branch, with fashionable tendencies in landscape and floristics. Traditionally the largest domestic and foreign nursery gardens will present wide assortment of ornamental plants adapted for the Russian climate. Full spectrum of goods and services of landscape branch will be presented at the show: landscape design and gardening equipment, paving materials and pool arrangement devises, garden furniture and watering systems, soil, fertilizers, plant care products, garden lighting, new technologies and materials for lawn arrangement and many other things.

The important part of the exhibition "Landscape architecture. Floristics" is its serious and heavy business program, what compare favourably with other projects with similar subject.

Events of the exhibition business program:

  • Contest of professional floristics "Moscow spring": an interesting, bright event which will allow revealing prominent florists and will demonstrate recent trends in floristic fashion
  • Contest "Rus tsvetuschaya": aims to acquaint visitors with Russian companies of landscape branch which bring the essential contribution for nature conservation and ecology, to city and country territories accomplishment and landscaping with their work and offer high, acknowledged by experts, quality level of goods and services
  • Contest-exhibition of creative students works "Rus tsvetuschaya": will let new talents to show their creative potential, make a name of entrant in landscape industry (among the competitors - students from profile Institutions of Higher Education and colleges from Moscow, Kursk, Yoshkar Ola, Ekaterinburg, Minsk)
  • The second international conference "Private gardens - fashion, problems, technologies": this year participants will discussed the most topical issues about formation of the present Russian school of landscape design, application of advanced technologies and materials, freelance in the field, and also problems and development options of small enterprises in landscape industry
  • The 2nd International contest of designers and artists works "Design D'Art": will open design fans art secrets materialized in interior and exterior of any house in traditional and nontraditional way
  • Implementation of the program of Federal National Education Standards for Higher Professional Education and formation of unitary All-Russia educational platform under the direction of "Landscape architecture": master class in landscape architecture and planting material
  • Round table for specialists of "Russian nurseries opportunities" organized by association of producers of planting material

Two thematic salon-exhibition will be held withing the frames of the exposition:

  1. "Blooming garden. Yield vegetable bed". Sale of seeds, planting stock, plants care products, gardening equipment
  2. "Expert magic hands". For the first time the visitors will have an opportunity to see and purchase interesting products by Russian masters intended for interior and outdoor decoration elements (ceramics, forged products, woodcarving, lawn sculpture and many other things), and also to order projects of garden furnaces and fireplaces

Additional information:
