IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Нефть и газ, химия. ТЭК - 2025

Interfood - 2014

Attention! The event is over.

18th International Exhibition of Food Products, Drinks and Ingredients

Date: 19.03.2014 - 21.03.2014 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holders: ITE Group, MVK company, office in St. Petersburg, RESTEC

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry

"Interfood - 2014" exhibition news, 13-Nov-2013

Announce: From 19th to 21st of March in St. Petersburg in the Exhibition complex "Lenexpo" the Exhibition "Interfood - 2014" will take place. Products of leading Russian and European manufacturers will be presented at the exhibition.

The exhibition INTERFOOD in St. Petersburg is an entrance to the market of the North-west region of Russia.

From 19th to 21st of March in St. Petersburg in the Exhibition complex "Lenexpo" the 18th International exhibition of food products, drinks and ingredients "Interfood - 2014" will take place. Products of leading Russian and European manufacturers will be presented at the exhibition. 54 companies from 9 countries applied for participation in the exhibition as of November, 2013. They are companies from Italy, France, Greece, India, Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

Luxury foods from provinces of Italy.

Traditionally the crowning glory of the exhibition "Interfood" will be a collective booth of Intalian manufacturers of premium and premium plus pruducts. This year the exposition of goods from Italy will occupy a floor space of more than 800 square meters. Quality varieties of white and red wines, hard cheeses, virgin olive oil, coffee, macaroni products, ravioli, and organic fruits and vegetables, confitures and many other things will be presented here.

Restaurant-keepers of St. Petersburg will see the true value of the opportunity not only to hold talks on direct buying of best quality foods, but to watch master classes of big-name Italian chief cooks, to learn secrets of cooking desserts and pastas.

Business contacts exchange - on-line system of making business appointments.

Business contacts exchange is a system of making business appointments in the territory of the exhibition "Interfood", designed to find partners and to develop of business relations between exhibitors and visitors.

Review competition "The best product".

The review competition "The best product" is held with the support of the Business Club "Russian Gourmet". In the year 2014 five nominations for competitors are announced: "New products in St. Peterburg", "Balance of price and quality", "Environmentally sound product", "Spirits and soft drinks tasting competition "Drinks SPb"" and "Confectionery and bakery products tasting competition "Peterburgskaya sdoba"".

Manufacturers, suppliers and trade marks of food products and drinks, ingredients and flavouring agent are invited for the participation.

Participants of the review competition will be rewarded with "Interfood Big Gold Medal". Every participant will collect a certificate on passing the test committee and recommendations for improvement of product quality.


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