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Traffic Safety Forum - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

11th International Exhibition of Traffic Accident Prevention Means

Date: 17.11.2009 - 20.11.2009 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expocentre

Topic: Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation

"Traffic Safety Forum - 2009" exhibition news, 24-Sep-2009

Announce: On November 17-20, in the pavilion ¹ 8 (halls 2,3) at "Expocenter" (Moscow), the 11th International Exhibition of Road Traffic Safety Technical Means "Forum of Road Traffic Safety - 2009" is going to be held

On November 17-20, in the pavilion ¹ 8 (halls 2,3) at "Expocenter" (Moscow), the 11th International Exhibition of Road Traffic Safety Technical Means "Forum of Road Traffic Safety - 2009" is going to be held.

The organizers of the exhibition are:

  • "Expocenter" CJSC
  • Department of Road Traffic Safety in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RF

Road traffic safety is becoming more and more acute problem in Russia. Dozens of people perish and hundreds are injured in road accidents every day. Hot rodding, overspeed, drunken driving, bad condition of the road paving are the cause of terrible tragedies - drivers and pedestrians suffer, children are killed. Road accidents cripple the Russian economy greatly.

The state carries out extensive works in this field, their result is the reduced number of road accidents, including those which resulted in serious injuries.

The realization of the Federal Target Programme "Increasing Road Traffic Safety in the Years 2006-2012" is in full swing today. The first two years of this programme was the start-up period - the formation of scientific, legislative, and technical base had been completed. Now the main complex of measures is being implemented, which has its influence on road traffic safety.

In this respect the International Exhibition "Forum of Road Traffic Safety - 2009" has become particularly important as it demonstrates all the opportunities of advanced technologies and technical means of traffic regulation, control means, communication, navigation, driviers training systems, auto insurance and gives the whole idea about the prospects of development of the modern road traffic safety industry.

The main goal of the exhibition "Forum of Road Traffic Safety" is to speed up the process of outfitting all departments of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, transport enterprises, road-municipal services with the up-to-date information systems, modern devices, machines, and materials of the new generation. "Forum of Road Traffic Safety" will contribute to the introduction of the newest technologies and modern technical means of road traffic safety support, paving condition control means, systems of driver and passenger's safety on the Russian market, which, in the long run, will result in reducing the death and accidents statictics on the roads of Russia.

Over 100 firms from Austria, Germany, China, Sveden will be represented at the show, among them are BMW Rusland, 3M, Robert Bosch, Mishelin, ACS, MHF-The Schwedish Abstaining Motorists Association, Prisma Teknik AB, Schuhfried GmbH.

A lot of Russian companies will take part at the exhibition. There are about 90 of them, including "Byborg" ltd., "Znak" ltd., "Severstal-Auto", "Sims-2", "Sintez-SPb", MVS, NP "Prokom", Corporation "Stroy Invest Project-M", Russian Union of Auto Insurers, "Megaphon" OJSC, National Pension Fund "Meta" and others.

The exhibition is timed to the 1st World Ministerial Conference on Road Traffic Safety: the Time for Action, which is scheduled for November 19-20 (at "International Trade Center" OJSC).

The ministers, responsible for road traffic safety from 192 countries, United Nations Organization members, are invited to take part in this conference as well as the heads of the profile international organizations. It is expected that the total numbger of participants will be up to 1200 people.

The chairmen of the committees on road traffic safety from the regions of the Russian Federation will also take part in this conference as well as the main state inspectors of road traffic safety for the regions in the Russian Federation.

The seminars, round tables, and master-classes, held within the framework of the forum, will allow to exchange experience and find solutions for the most acute problems and also to find the common ground for the creating of legal awareness of the road traffic participants, to improve the quality of drivers training, to carry out engineering-planning events, which are the part of the federal programme on road traffic safety, to solve the problems connected with the medical first aid.

Information support of the show is rendered by:

  • United editorial staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Radio "Police Wave"
  • "Stop-gazeta"
  • Newspaper "Transport of Russia"
  • Magazine "World of Roads", "Road Empire"
  • Magazine "Transport Safety Support"
  • Magazine "Your Road"
  • Magazine "Transport Safety"
  • Magazine "Excellent Driver"
  • Magazine "Atlas Print"

Additional information:
