ММЛФ - 2025
ММЛФ - 2025

Press Release

Intertool - 2009

On September 21-24, at the Exhibition Center "Crocus Expo", the 12th International Exhibition of Tools "Intertool - 2009" was held.


This year the exhibitors were 140 companies from Russia, Germany, Spain, Greece, France, Taiwan, China, and Korea. During the four working days, the exhibition "Intertool - 2009" was visited by over 3500 people.

There was a professional conference within the framework of the exhibition - "Russian Tool Market: under the Influence of Crisis", which was organized together with the magazine "Instrumenty" of the series "Potrebitel", the leading printed edition in this field. The first part of the conference was devoted to the presentation of the Moscow Interindustrial Association of the Main Experts. Such burning issues were discussed at the conference as the consequent effects of economic downturn for the industry, business-strategies of the large world manufacturers in the context of the crisis, change of product range and new state-financed goods production, and a lot of others. The conference was finished with the presentation of the international marketing company Global Market Group, that laid down the present condition of the Chinese producing companies on the tools market and offered new methods of investments into Chinese economy.

The conference was visited by over 100 experts and the full conference room once again emphasized the success and effectiveness of the event.


Thanks to the efforts of organizing companies Reed Exhibitions, ITE, and Expa Foundation, the exhibition "Intertool - 2009" became the business platform for the manufacturers and potential customers for the products of exhibiting companies: large and middle wholesale and retail buyers from Moscow and regions. The exhibition was visited by 130 buyers from such companies as OBI Russia, Castorama Rus, "220 Volt", "Gedore Werkzeuge", "AlAnCO", "Zheldorremmash" and many others.


During the work of the exhibition the exhibitors used actively the specialized presentation zone - Test Drive Zone, where they could demonstrate the new developments in the tool industry in operation. The given platform gave the opportunity not only to estimate the products samples visually, but also to test the exhibited tools.


For the first time the visitors of the exhibition "Intertool - 2009" could buy new tools at special prices.

The exhibition was held with the official support of:

  • Association of the Russian Builders
  • Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Committee on Building and Land Management of the State Duma of the RF
  • Moscow Association of Enerpreneurs
  • Chinese Committee on International Trade Assistance
  • Association of Importers and Exporters of Taipei
  • Taiwan Association of Hand Tools Manufacturers

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