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Press Release

Innovations. Investments - 2010

On February 25, at the Palace of Children's and Youth's Creativity, the opening of the 3rd "Voronezh Industrial Forum - 2010" took place, in the framework of which the four concurrent exhibitions: "Innovations and Investments - 2010", "Energy Resources. Housing and Utilities - 2010", "Promexpo - 2010", "Ecology in Industry - 2010" started their work.

The forum organizers were the Government of Voronezh Region, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Voronezh Region, "Exhibition Center VETA". The forum was held under the auspices of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and with the support of Voronezh City Administration, Union of Employers "Union of Industrialists and Enterpreneurs of Voronezh Region", Association of Economic Cooperation of the Russian Federation Subjects "Tsentralino-Chernozemnaya", affiliate of Federal State Institution "REA" RF Ministry of Energy. The general information sponsor of the event was the "Expert" magazine.

The ceremony of official opening of the "Voronezh Industrial Forum - 2010" was attended by the Governor of Voronezh Region Alexey Gordeev, Head of the Voronezh City District Sergey Koliukh, Deputy Chairman of Voronezh Region Government, Head of Department of Industry, Transport, Communication, and Innovations in Voronezh Region Alexander Gusev, Deputy Chairman of Lugansk Regional Administration Vladimir Krivulya, President of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Voronezh Region Yury Goncharov.

In his welcoming speach, addressed to the visitors and exhibitors, the Governor of Voronezh Region Alexey Gordeev pointed out:
"The best enterprises participate in the exhibition in the difficult times. We are happy to welcome the companies from several Russian regions, our foreign partners, the delegation of Lugansk Region. All this works for the future. The different products are demonstrated here: from innovative developments to practical goods, which are very relevant to the current situation".

The first day of the forum work was full of business events. The main events in the "Industry" section were the meeting of industrialists and enterpreneurs of Voronezh Region, the ceremony of official awards of the regional "Enginer of the Year 2009" contest winners, the negotiation platform for development of subcontracting and industrial cooperation, the training seminar of the International Center of Sustainable Power Engineering Development on the topic "Sustainable Power Engineering and Investments".

The following events were the part of the business program on February 26:

  • Conference "Innovative Development of Regions"
  • Round table "Nanoindustry Development in Voronezh Region. Cooperation with State Concern "Rosnano""
  • Round table "Outsourcing as a Company Operational Tool in Modern Conditions"
  • Seminar with the participation of the State Concern "Rosnano" represerntatives "The Process of Submission and Consideration of Papers in the State Concern "Rosnano""
  • Round table "Innovative Infrastructure"
  • Seminar "Innovative Projects Providing"

The power engineering specialists considered the aspects of federal law "About Energy Saving" realization in the section "Power Engineering in Housing and Public Utilities and Industry". Environmental and nature use specialists discussed the current problems during the work of the round table "Prospective Projects of Household Wastes and Secondary Raw Stuff Managements" and the conference "Current Problems and Prospects of Environmental Issues in Industry".

The organizers prepared financial block, which included seminars on providing innovative projects and venture investments and on new banking products.

In the final day of the 3rd "Voronezh Industrial Forum - 2010" work, the award ceremony for the winners of the "Exhibition Medal" contest took place. The contest committee, consisting of the highly proficient specialists of industrial complex, evaluated the products of the participants and passed a resolution. The best companies were rewarded with the medals, honorary diplomas. Among the forum participants, the highest awards were received by technology parks "Mitem", "Sodruzhestvo", "Elektrosignal" OJSC, "Technosphere" CJSC, "Vega-eco" ltd., "Rasko" ltd., "Voronezhsintezkauchuk" OJSC, Concern "Sozvezdie" OJSC, and other representatives of the industry.

About 3,000 experts in the related industry visited fairgrounds in the first day of forum's work. Over 120 enterprises and organizations from the regions of the Russian Federation, Ukraine presented the up-to-date energy saving equipment, devices, technologies, innovative developments in various industrial sectors.

In the participant's opinion, the 3rd "Voronezh Industrial Forum - 2010" is the platform for concluding successful contracts, a search place for new reliable partners. The exhibitors and visitors are sure that such events are needed for development of power engineering and industry in the Central Black Earth Region and in the other regions of Russia.


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