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IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025


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International Salon of Motor Lorries

Date: 10.09.2013 - 14.09.2013 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holders: Media Globe, Association of Russian Automakers, NP (ОАR)

Topics: Municipal Management, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation

"COMTRANS - 2013" exhibition news, 05-Jul-2013

Announce: Within the International salon of motor lorries "COMTRANS - 2013", which will take place from 10th to 14th of September in Moscow in the territory of the International exhibition center "Crocus Expo", the conference "KomAvto" will be held.

From 10th to 14th of September in Moscow in the International exhibition center "Crocus Expo" the International salon of motor lorries "COMTRANS - 2013" will take place. Within the salon the conference "KomAvto - 2013" will be held. The conference is the third annual project of the business newspaper "Vedomosti", devoted to issues of recovery of the market of commercial vehicles in Russia, development and modernization of lorry and passenger vehicle manufacture, urban and agricultural equipment, and formation of efficient financial institutions supporting the industry.

Last year is defined by strengthening co-operation between Russian and foreign manufacturers of commercial and passenger vehicles. Companies update product ranges and develop dealer networks. The government heads for environmental friendliness and transport gasification. Large infrastructure projects, development of cargo traffic and needs for renovation of vehicle fleet intend stability of the demand in future.

However growth rates of Russian market of commercial vehicles is becoming lower. Increased consumer requirements, the market performance in the area of WTO and appearance of new brands are the factors which step up the competition between members of the industry and set new missions. How does manufacturers and dealers of commercial vehicles change their plans? How do the market condition transform? Did the country become more approachable for foreign companies?

Representatives of government authorities, leading analysts, top-managers of the largest manufacturers and dealers of lorries, LCV, buses, agricultural and municipal machines will tell about development prospects and strategies.

The following subjects will be discussed:

  • Analytical review of the market and appraisal of results of the first year of functioning in WTO zone. How did car costs, demand structure and business of domestic and foreign companies in Russia change? What are the results of imposition of waste tax and how will the measure work in the following?
  • How does implementation of the standard "Euro-4" effect on the market and the business of producers? What factors do determine the industry further development?
  • Business expansion. Do Russian companies plan to open up foreign markets more closely?
  • National policy. What economic machineries will encourage renovation of the country vehicle fleet? Will accompanying supportive measures for home producers of commercial, passenger and agricultural transport be implemented?
  • Organization of scrappage and recycling of motor lorries
  • Transport gasification. What measures for the infrastructure development and accessibility will be realized?
  • Strategies of producers and dealers of commercial and passenger transport: what should they place their stakes on?
  • Appropriate format of work with producers of truck bodies and body superstructures
  • Development of leasing schemes for work with consumers
  • The ways to increase marketability of a brand at Russian market: marketing decisions, organization of high quality service and dealer network development

Heads of relevant ministries and departments, chief executives of motor vehicles concerns and distributors of commercial vehicles, directors of the largest leasing companies, representatives of bank management, and leading analysts and experts will perform at the conference.

The event format:

  • One-day conference: the business part with breaks for lunch and coffee breaks
  • The business part - reports of participants, accompanied by discussion of main issue defined in sessions; round tables for discussion of topical points

Additional information:
