АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025
ИнтерСтройЭкспо - 2025

Laboratory - 2003

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized exhibition

Date: 11.11.2003 - 14.11.2003 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: RESTEC

Topic: Industrial Exhibitions


From 10 to 13 September 2002 Mikhailovsky Manege in Saint Petersburg met the participants of the first specialized exhibition "Laboratory" representing to the attention of specialists almost a complete range of instruments, materials and equipment for furnishing and constant operation of all kinds of laboratories. The exhibition was officially supported by the Center of testing and certification - St.Petersburg (TEST - St.Petersburg) and Northwestern Department of State Control and Perspective development in the field of nature use and environment development of Ministry of Nature Resources of Russia. The exhibition was organized by RESTEC exhibition company.

The exhibitors included the leading enterprises manufacturers and suppliers of instruments, measuring equipment, laboratory equipment for various purposes: Krismas+, Ekros, PEL, Rosredmet, Vesailand, Scientific Manufacturing Enterprise TKA, OPTEK, ValtexRus, Reaktiv, Medicals, Baltika-Reaktiv, Spektron, Laboratory Equipment and Instruments - St.Petersburg, Vikont, Radio Kron, VNIR, TermIKS, Spektrolab, Ekoniks, Kortek, Intermedika - Moscow, Khimlaborpribor (Klin city), Steklopribor (Ukraine) and others.

The possibility to gather all necessary information and receive professional consultations, to find all kinds of laboratory equipment attracted the visitors from 9 foreign countries and CIS (Great Britain, Byelorussia, Dagestan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, USA, Ukraine, Estonia) and from 105 cities of Russia. During 4 days the exhibition registered 4500 specialists from almost all branches of industry: food, cosmetic, car engineering, power engineering, machine building, metallurgy, oil, gas and chemistry, ship-building, industrial and civil construction, transport. The visitor positions were rather high as well: 56% - top managers and senior specialists of enterprises, 25% - engineering and technical personnel.

All conference events held in the frameworks of the exhibition had a big success. Their topics were so interesting and urgent to the laboratory specialists that conference hall was too small to accommodate all visitors. The conference included the round table "Modern laboratory equipment: rational choice, acquisition and servicing", seminars "Laboratory control of food and cosmetic production quality", "Instruments and technologies of environment monitoring and special control". Their active participants were the representatives of the following companies: Krimas+, Valtex Rus, Lumex, Ekros, Center of production quality, works and services control, Gosmetr, PEL, Ekros, Vesta, Center of water research and control, laboratories of Technological institute and Institute of silicate chemistry and many others.


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