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Woodex / Lestekhproduktsiya - 2011

Attention! The event is over.

12th International Specialized Ehibition-Fair for Wood Products, Machines, Equipment and Materials for Wood, Pulp-and-Paper and Woodworking Industries

Date: 29.11.2011 - 02.12.2011 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MVK International exhibition company

Topics: Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions

"Woodex / Lestekhproduktsiya - 2011" exhibition news, 26-Oct-2011

Announce: International exhibition company MVK invite you to take part in the conference "Trends of OSB market in Russia: supply and demand" which will be held in Moscow on 30th of November the frame of the exhibition "Woodex / Lestekhproduktsiya - 2011".

International exhibition company MVK invite you to take part in the conference "Trends of OSB market in Russia: supply and demand"which will be held in Moscow on 30th of November within the frame of the exhibition "Woodex / Lestekhproduktsiya - 2011".

The organizers of the exhibition are LesPromInform magazine and JSC "PIC Consulting Company" with the support of MVK within the group of companies ITE.

The priority attention of the conference participants will be paid to aspects of organization of work oriented strand board plants and analysis of the Russian and world OB market.

The following subjects will be discussed within the conference:

  • Fields of OSB use
  • Russian OSB market: volumes, rates, players, distribution
  • Technologies of OSB production; the main producers of equipment and connective units
  • Investments to OSB plants; issues of project financing
  • Experience of OSP projects realization in Russia and abroad

All the reports will be followed by discussion, where you may count on the informative answers on the conference issues without the strict time reduction.

12th International specialized exhibition-fair of wood products, machines, equipment and materials for wood, pulp-and-paper and woodworking industries "Woodex / Lestekhproduktsiya - 2011" will be held from 29th of November to 2nd of December in Moscow in International exhibition "Crocus Expo".


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