Сибирская строительная неделя - 2025
ИННОПРОМ. Центральная Азия - 2025

Press Release

International Congress of Cement Manufacturers - 2009

On October 6-10, in Belgorod, the 2nd International Congress of Cement Manufacturers was held.

The key issue of the event was - "Effective management, modern technologies, preservation of industrial potential". The organizers of the event were: European Technical Institute, Sub-Committee on Marketing of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee of the RF on the Industrial Development, Belgorod State Technical University n.a. V.G. Shukhov, international magazine "ZKC International".

68 representatives of the leading world famous cement companies took part in the congress this year:: HeidelbergCement (Germany), Yep STROY (Turkey), KXD (Germany), PSP Engineering (Czechia), Holcim (Germany), "Evrocement Group" (Russia), Humboldt Wedag International (Germany) and others, the works of 56 students and post graduate students were presented at the competition of diploma works by four higher educational establishments, which train 90% of Russian specialists in the cement industry.

It is been already for the second year that the Belgorod State Technological University n.a. V.G.Shukhov is chosen as a meeting point of the cement experts, and this is not accidentally. A wide experience in cement production has been gained during the last several decades just at that spot. Besides, the University is an unquestionable leader in training specialists for building and building materials industry. Nearly three fourth of the industry top managers and specialists graduated from it. The departments of cement technologies and composite materials, technological equipment and complexes have well established relations with manufacturing enterprises, and carry out for them contractual science and research works. The scientific developments are getting accepted in production and that enhances enterprises potential. The university hosts regular advanced trainings for cenet industry workers. That is why the congress carrying out in Belgorod has become a logical result of the University staff activity and confirmation of its high status.

While opening the plenary session, rector of the Belgorod State Technological University n.a. V.G.Shukhov, Doctor of Engineering, professor A.M. Gridchin warmly welcomed the forum participants. In the eyes of Mr Gridchin, it was a great honour and high responsibility to receive industrial and scientific elite of the Russian and foreign cement industry within the walls of the University. Among the other priority tasks of the University, highly qualified specialists training, building materials production improving and designing and maintenance of machines and mechanisms was highlighted as especially important by the rector.

On behalf of the Governor of Belgorod Region E.S. Savchenko, the First Deputy Head of the Building, Transport, and Housing and Utilities Department A.S. Turbin greeted the guests at the opening ceremony. Speaking about achievements in the building industry, he mentioned contribution made by the Belgorod State Technological University n.a. V.G.Shukhov into the scientific support and staff training for building industry enterprises.

The greeting speaches of the representatives of the Russian Union of Builders and Association of Russian Builders expressed confidence that experience and potential, accumulated in Russia, will help overcome quickly difficulties and preserve the strength of the building industry.

The congress was defined as significant event in the cement industry by one of its organizers, General Director of the European Technical Institure (Moscow) M.E. Shmatov. Due to his opinion, the unique character of the congress consists in the fact, that it has united the representatives of the real business, governmental authorities, scientific and research centers and the students. It is assumed to organize in the future an All Russia Congress of the Young Professionals in the Cement Industry.

A great interest of the plenary session participants attracted reports of the Head of the Department of Cement Technologies and Composite Materials of the Belgorod State Technological University n.a. V.G.Shukhov and V.K. Klassen "Versions of Cement Enterprises Reconstruction in Russia", the representative of the firm Holcim M. Kapkhana "Modern Methods of Preparation of Raw Stuff Based on Chalk Stone". Deputy Director on Quality and Ecology at the State Unitary Enterprise "NII Mosstroy" V.F. Afanasieva spoke about the problems of the cement quality. An interesting report about training on probation of the young professionals at the firm Heidelberg Cement was made by the personnel manager I.A. Ulianova.

As well as in the year 2008, when an agreement was signed between the Belgorod State Technological University n.a. V.G.Shukhov and "Heidelberg Cement Rus" (Germany) and "LaFarsh" (France) on training of specialists for these enterprises, this year an agreement was signed with the largest Russian manufacturer - "Eurocement Group".

An extended programme was presented to the forum participants: competitions of diploma projects, work of the discussion club "Cement" and excursions to the leading enterprises of building industry in Belgorod Region and, by all means, plenary and sectional sessions in the course of which the most important issues in the conditions of the world crisis were discussed. Among them were, for example, personnel training for cement industry, condition and current problems of the cement industry, modernization of production, software and production automation, logistics and investments managements at the cement plants. A start of SMS quiz "Cement - I Love You!" was timed to the opening of the 2nd International Congress of Cement Manufacturers by the European Technical Institute and "Eurocenment Group". According to the tradition, there was a mini-football tournament for the Cup of Cement, which was won by the team "Itog Zodiak" this year.

The participants had the following comments about the congress:

Sergey Bogdan - a representative of the Czech company PSP Ingineering, is responsible for realization of investment projects in Russia: "Our plant has been manufacturing equipment for cement and lime production plants for 50 years - mills, furnace lines. The interest in this equipment is constantly growing in Russia. The congress presented a rare oportunity to the company to meet the buyers of our products - cement plants representatives".

"It is very important that we are discussing plans for the future. This confirms the fact, that the winds of positive changes will reverse the situation to the better".

"In my opinion, you main problem is underfinancing of projects. The credits can be granted only against security of banks. In the Czech Republic, for example, the bank supports its clients financially. The weakness of the Russian banking system is that the small-, and middle-scale banks cannot grant bank guarantee. And here the role of the state is very important. Without its interference, without support programmes, including concessional financing, there is no way out of the crisis".

Askin Ergul - a manager on realization of projects of the representative office of the Tukish company YEP STROY in Russia: "For 35 year our company has been building and commissioning ready-to-operate cement plants all around the world, which are corresponding to the European standards. We see a great potential of the Russian market and we would like to establish on it. The first step is taken - our company got the licence to engage in economic activity. Unfortunately the crisis retarded the realization of some of the projects. But we are not going to leave the Russian market. We are sure about the positive changes in the nearest future. Judging by the general mood at the congress, the changes for the better are not far beyond the mountains. It is the first time that I take part in the work of such representative forum and I would like to mention its constructive atmosphere and perfect organization. Every smallest detail is considered. The tour to the plant "Oskolcement" and excursions around the town were very interesting and useful. I have got to love beautiful Belgorod! I would also like to mention the hospitality and cordiality of the event organizers and of all the people, with whom I communicated".

There was a press-conference within the framework of the congress, in which rector of the Belgorod State Technological University n.a. V.G.Shukhov, Doctor of Engineering, professor A.M. Gridchin, the representative of the company "Eurocement Group" S.V. Suev, director of the European Technical Institute M.E. Shmatov, Doctor of Engineering, professor, academician of the International Academy of System Researches I.M. Tynnikov and others took part.

While opening the press-conference, A.M. Gridchin told that the urgent industrial problems would be discussed at the congress. "The production of building materials and construction can be regarded as locomotives, which will "draw out" the whole country economy" - stated A.M. Gridchin.

In Mr Gridchin's opinion, cooperation with the manufacturers will help the University to improve the quality of specialists training. The theory cannot live without practice. The signing of the agreement between the University and the largest cement manufacturer in Russia - holding "Eurocement Group" - was the confirmation of it.

The Belgorod State Technological University n.a. V.G.Shukhov's graduate S.V. Susev, who represented the company at the agreement signing, said: "The student of the Belgorod State Technological University n.a. V.G.Shukhov should know that he will be welcomed at the "Eurocement" company".

The journalists were interested in price formation problems, improving of cement quality, recycling of technogenic wastes of cement production as well as in the issues of construction of building industry plants in the Belgorod Region.

Academician I.M. Tynnikov highlighted the high productivity of the congress, "more businesslike approach to discussing urgent problems and working out solutions is observed this year".

As explained by General Director of the European Technical Institute M.E. Shmatov, the forum sessions helped to solve specific problems in the industry.


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