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Press Release

DIHE - 2005 (Dushanbe International Healthcare Exhibition)


  • ITE Group PLC.
  • ITE Uzbekistan

Official support:

  • Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
  • Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Tajikistan
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan
  • Dental Association of the Republic of Tajikistan

Information support:

  • Radio "Vatan" (Tajikistan)
  • Advertising Agency "Charkhi Gardun" (Tajikistan)
  • "Russian Radio" (Tajikistan)

Official opening ceremony.

An official opening ceremony was attended by the representatives of government of the Republic of Tajikistan, diplomatic agencies, international organizations and business circles including:

  • Mr. Gram Loten - the ambassador of Great Britain to Tajikistan
  • Mr. Sh. Saidov - Chairman, Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Republic of Tajikistan
  • Mr. B. Naimov - Deputy Minister of Public Health of the Republic of Tajikistan

The organizers were represented by:

  • Ms N. Khasanova - General Director, ITE Uzbekistan
  • Ms Sh. Nizamova - Health Project Manager
  • Ms D. Faizieva - Project Manager

An official VIP delegation headed by Messrs Gram Loten, Sh. Saidov and N. Faizulaev visited the stands of the exhibition participants and talked to some potential partners. The opening ceremony was attended by other officials representing various ministries and agencies of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

At the official ceremony the organizers presented the UK Embassy in Tajikistan, the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Tajikistan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan, and Dental Association of the Republic of Tajikistan with certificates of gratitude for their active participation and support to the exhibition.

Official evening reception/Prize awarding ceremony.

An official evening reception on the occasion of the exhibition opening was held on September 22, at the 'Vastan' restaurant. Over 100 people attended the reception, including exhibition participants, officials, partners of ITE Group Plc, mass media representatives and others. In his welcome speech Mr. B. Naimov wished the invitees a successful exhibition.

This reception also included a Certificate Awarding Ceremony, where, based on the voting results of exhibition participants, memorable prizes were presented for nominations as follows:

  • The winner in nomination "For the best stand design at the exhibition DIHE 2005" was the company Altayvitamin, whose representative was presented a memorable prize and certificate
  • The winner in nomination "The best product presentation at DIHE 2005" was the representative office of Gedeon Richter. Head of the representative office was presented a memorable prize and certificate
  • The winner in nomination "For the most active participation" was the F.Hoffman la Roche (representative office in Uzbekistan). A representative of the company was presented a memorable prize and certificate

All participants were given certificates of gratitude for their cooperation during the exhibition.


Representing several branches of medicine, the exhibition showed recent trends in sector development and contributed to further development of the healthcare in both Tajikistan and Central Asia. Government of Tajikistan is trying to create a favorable environment in order to atrract local and foreign companies in conducting their businesses in this country. In this aspect the exhibition was the most successful platform for specialists to meet each other, develop business contacts and establish new projects and enterprises. Interested in more foreign investments, the government has developed an economic reorganization program that provides the establishment of an efficacious system of state guarantees, investment protection and insurance, and building an 'investment-friendly' environment. In this context, such events in Tajikistan can become a good tradition helping numerous foreign and Tajik medical companies to establish and develop business cooperation.


DIHE 2005 included participants from 11 countries of the world such as Germany, Kazakhstan, Byelorussia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Switzerland, Italy, Ukraine and Japan. Participants of this year's exhibition were the largest and well-known companies such as F.Hoffmann-La Roche, Makdil Pharma (Uzbekistan), Terumo Europe (Switzerland), Hospitex Diagnostics, (Italy), Yutas (Ukraine), Hokto Trading/Pentax (Japan), ÎÀÎ MIZ Vorsma (Russia), JV "Jurabek Laboratories LTD" (Uzbekistan), Richard Wolf (Germany), Pusula Medikal LTD STI (Turkey), Lek-Sandoz, Sopharma, JSC "Khimpharm" (Kazakhstan), JSC Gedeon Richter (Hungary), "Tajpharmprominvest" LLC (Tajikistan), Metechnica-Kazan, The Ural Instrument Plant, NTFF "Polysan" LLC, "Altayvitamini" (Russia) and other. This shows a growing interest of foreign manufacturers on the Tajik healthcare market.


Over 3500 registered visitors attended the exhibition from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and other Central Asia countries (Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan). Qualified visitors were electronically registered during all the three days of the exhibition. 1400 visitors came at the first day.

"Healthcare-DIHE 2005" exhibition development perspectives According to the poll holding healthcare exhibition is necessary for further closer business collaboration between manufacturers and their dealers in the region. Nowadays, it is necessary for Tajikistan to hold special exhibitions and other events contributing to the development of existing infrastructure in the country and attracting new technologies, services, know-how, and investments to Tajikistan's economy. The exhibitions serve as a venue for partners, colleagues and specialists of industry, and help sharing experience and information exchange.

Healthcare sector is one of the most important in terms of rendering quality services to population and improving socio-economical standards of life in the country. The DIHE was the only biggest event in the country to demonstrate medical equipment, technology, up-to-date pharmaceuticals, medical devices and instruments, etc. The exhibition not only attracts potential investors but also contributes to a greater cooperation between Tajikistan and international business community.

The above-mentioned is confirmed by manufacturers' growing demand in exhibition area for the next year as well as having dental products and equipment exhibited as part of DIHE 2006, for the first time in Tajikistan. DIHE 2006 will be held in the conference hall Kohi Borbad, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, October 10-12, 2006.


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