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Medifest South Africa - 2012

Attention! The event is over.

Exhibition on Medicine and Health Care

Date: 28.08.2012 - 29.08.2012 

City: Durban - information about city

Holder: Vantage Trade Fairs (P) Limited

Topic: Medicine and Health Care

"Medifest South Africa - 2012" exhibition news, 06-Mar-2012

Announce: Advances in medicine, diagnostic, stomatology and laboratory testing will be present on the exhibition "Medifest South Africa - 2012" which will be held from 20th to 29th of August in Durban (South Africa).

"Medifest South Africa - 2012" is scheduled on 28 - 29 August at The Blue Waters Hotel in Durban South Africa. This premier medical event offers you a unique opportunity to promote advances to a large group of African importers specialist in medical, diagnostic, dental, laboratory and healthcare technology.

"Medifest South Africa" a premier medical exhibition has enjoyed consistent growth over the last few years with hundreds of importers and medicine professionals have already registered for the exhibition. This medical event will bring together participants representing a wide range of stakeholders across the world.

A unique aspect of the "Medifest South Africa" will bring together a dedicated and diverse cadre of traders, importers, clinicians, allied health professionals and other specialists. Exhibitors therefore have the unique benefit of reaching the entire range of multidisciplinary professionals working in various fields at a single event. This healthcare exhibition provides the opportunity to meet, establish and strengthen partnerships with these experts. Whatever your product or service is, exhibiting at "Medifest South Africa" will bring you maximum exposure to professionals who shape the future of medical and healthcare industry in Africa.

"Medifest South Africa" will revolutionize the buying procedure by delivering suppliers across the entire continuum of the medical industry. There will be ample scope for establishing profitable business relationship and to interact with others in the area of business and trade. We envision the exhibition to act as a catalyst to bring together a varied genre of medical professionals under one roof to interact, promote and transact business in this industry which will eventually lead to better healthcare for the common man in this densely populated region.

The table-top-exhibition offers you an ideal professional platform to exchange knowledge and experience and will allow to your company, your products and services to your target group at this healthcare event.


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