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Medicine of Longevity and Quality of Life - 2013

Attention! The event is over.

2nd International Congress

Date: 18.09.2013 - 20.09.2013 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: LLC "Staraya Krepost"

Topic: Medicine and Health Care

"Medicine of Longevity and Quality of Life - 2013" exhibition news, 06-Sep-2013

Announce: The 2nd International Congress "Medicine of Longevity and Quality of Life - 2013" will be held from 18th to 20th of September in Moscow in the World Trade Center.

The 2nd International Congress "Medicine of Longevity and Quality of Life - 2013" will be held from 18th to 20th of September in Moscow in the World Trade Center.

For the second time the project organizers ExpoMediaGroup "Staraya krepost" and Asvomed Group provide professional space for specialists of preventive, regenerative, clinical medicine, medical aesthetics and fundamental sciences - biology, physiology, genetics, gerontology. The leaders of the industry will meet at the event and the latest preparations and methods of anti-age medicine will be presented.

Scientists from Russia, Ukraine, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Korea and Canada will take part in the congress program.

Coordinators of the scientific agenda: Ivanova G.E., Doctor of Medicine, professor, chief specialists of Ministry of Health of the RF on medical rehabilitation; Zhukova I.K., Candidate of Medical Science, chief editor of the journal "Medical aesthetics"; Trukhanova A.I., Doctor of Biological Sciences, general director of "Clinic of active longevity by "Beauty institute in Arbat street"".

The first plenary meeting will be dedicated to the bases of anti-age medicine. The following professionals will present the latest scientific achievements: president of European bureau of gerontology and geriatrics V. Khavinson, president of the European association ESAAM Kh. Zubulis, president of SwissAAAM Zh.-P. Naim, professor and member of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences N.A. Agadzhanyan.

E.V. Baranova, professor, president of European Personalized Medicine and Health Institute will report about condition of European personalized medicine at the plenary meeting.

Genetics and epigenetics of active longevity is a subject of a speech of Doctor of Biological Sciences, chief of laboratory of molecular and gerontology of Komi Biology Institute of Scientific Center of Ural branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, A.A. Moskalyova.

Forms and kinds of face aging will be presented by Doctor of Medicine from France, cosmetic surgeon, head of the international master course on aging skin IMCAS Benjamin Ascher.

On the same day B. Ascher will hold master class on the subject - "From anatomy to the main indications: Renovations of the year 2013 (eye zone, nose, mid and lower face, neck, temporal region, hands). Basic anatomy in sessions of wrinkles and lips contour correction. Volumetric correction. New methods and tendencies".

Issues on clinical pharmacology and threpsology will be discussed within a session, which will be supervised by Doctor of Medicine, professor B. A. Shenderov. The round table on the topic "Nutrition - the most important factor of health and longevity. Problems of nutrition of a modern human" will carry the work of the round table to completion.

On 19th of September at the plenary meeting of the second day of the Congress anti-age technologies in medical aesthetics will be discussed. The meeting will be held by Doctor of Medicine E. I. Gubanova and Doctor of Medicine A.G. Stenko.

The report "Modern supposals on skin aging: molecular bases and opportunities of delay of skin aging by the methods of medical aesthetics and cosmetology" will give tone to the discussion. The report will be prepared by Doctor of Medicine, professor L.G. Korkina.

The latest and high-demand questions will be discussed on the second day of the congress:

  • Perspective of application of methods of evidentiary medicine in cosmetology
  • Optimization of conventional technologies of meso-acupuncture in anti-age therapy
  • Skin manifestations of deficiency of men's ans women's reproductive hormones
  • Positive and undesirable effects of vegetable components of cosmetic preparations
  • New approach to creation of double-phase fillers and prospects of its application in medical aesthetics Organotherapy in medical aesthetics
  • Liposomal cosmeceutics in anti-age programs: proved efficiency

The section of the department of plastic surgery, cosmetology and cellular technologies of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University will be dedicated to development of cellular technologies in clinical medicine and medical aesthetics. The section will be held by Candidate of Medical Science, head of the department, vice-rector on postgraduate education of RNRMU, plastic surgeon N.E. Manturova.

Also on the second day of the Congress the section "Hormonal and biochemical aspects of aging process. The present-day programs of weight correctionand body shaping in anti-age medicine" will be held.

Wide variety of sectional classes will allow all the participants to visit those programs, which are the nearest for their world-view and practical assimilation.

The third day of the Congress will be opened by the 2nd Business-generator "Anti-age clinic. Philosophy, conception, management" and the practical course "Tests on biological, psychological and social age". Masters of the business-generator: V.V. Zorile, general director of the company "MedEs"; P.N. Nikiforov, Candidate of Medical Science, specialist on anti-age medicine, immunologist, endocrinologist.

The session "Nonmedicinal methods in anti-age medicine" is always of the big interest of participants. The session moderators are Doctor of Medicine, professor, member of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.G. Zilov and Doctor of Medicine, professor I.A. Minenko.

Within the Congress the department of endocrinology of the faculty of Moscow regional research clinical institute named after Vladimirskii will hold the educational contest "Endocrinologic problems in cosmetology". The course participants will get state-recognized certificates on the subject improvement.

The participants of the Congress can visit the exhibition, where all the novelties in the field of anti-age medicine will be presented - equipment, preparations, methods.

As all the other educational projects of ExpoMediaGroup "Staraya krepost", the International Congress "Medicine of Longevity and Quality of Life" is becoming a center of new ideas, attracts attention of specialists, who value actuality, depth and consistency of information. The direction of anti-age medicine is only starting its development, and whose who takes part in this development will operate in the main team of the new industry.


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