АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025

Press Release

MiningWorld Russia - 2015

From 21 to 23 April in IEC Crocus Expo, Moscow, Russia was held the 19th International exhibition of technologies and equipment for mining and processing of minerals "MiningWorld Russia".

235 companies from 22 countries took part in the exhibition: China, Germany, France, Finland, Australia, Turkey, Great Britain, UAE, RSA, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Canada, Austria, Netherlands, India, Norway, Kazakhstan, Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, USA and Russia. The leading companies of the industry were among the exhibitors: Komatsu, Metso Mining And Construction, Astec Industries, Inc., Ferronordic Machines, Scania, Belaz-GPFK, Kanex Group, Techstroycontract, Shina, Techpribor, Drobmash, Samara plant Strommashina, ZBO Drill Industries, Inc., Tyazhmash, Zavod Pirs, Coralina Engineering CETCO, NPP Sibre-Zinotekhnika, Mining Machines, Ural RTI Plant, FLSmidth, RPC ERGA, Wirtgen International, Kitrade, Machine-Building Plant Metab, Nipigormash, Kurgan Conveyor Equipment Plant, Volgaburmash, Outotec, FKK, Immersive Technologies, Man Truck and Bus Rus, Actio Rus and other companies.

International collective expositions of Australia, Norway, China, Germany, and Finland have presented the products and services of companies from their countries.

This year 32 % of exhibitors took part in "MiningWorld Russia" for the first time, which indicates confidence to the exhibition like to an effective marketing tool of business development, with today complicated economic conditions in mind.

According to the exhibition totals, 4034 visitors from 40 countries and 62 regions of Russia attended the exhibition "MiningWorld Russia". According to visitors poll, 50 % of visitors represented manufacturing companies, 35 % - service providers for the mining industry, 19 % - whole-sellers and retailers, 10 % - scientific and educational institutions. The sponsor of visitor's e-registration was Sandvik company.

Among the novelties presented this year exhibitors: haul trucks Scania, Iveco Astra and MAN, air-percussion drilling machine JD-2000 by Korean manufacturer Junjin CSM, drilling plants ZBO U15 by ZBO Drill Industries and "Sugomak" by Kashtym Engineering Association, jaw crushers and gyratory crushers by Electrostal Heavy Engineering Works and Astec Industries, classifiers for gravitation separation of fine material by FLSmidth, and many other actual solutions for the mining industry.

Three international conferences were successfully held within the exhibition.

Conference "Machinery and Equipment for Open-Pit Mining" allowed participants to discuss conditions for promotion of innovative developments to reduce manufacturing costs, promotion and strengthening international business cooperation to attract investments into the Russian industry, and problems of technical replacement of mining equipment in open-pit mining in the Russian Federation.

Results of the gold-mining industry work in 2014-2015 and prospects of the domestic gold-mining development became the key topic of conference "Gold and Technologies".

Within conference "Technologies of Underground Mining of Minerals" participants discussed application of effective technologies for underground mining of minerals, integrated exploitation of mineral resources and introduction of the latest technical solutions for underground mining.

Over 400 delegates took part in the conferences, including representatives of mining companies, engineering plants, research organisations, commercial companies, higher education institutions and industry associations. About 40 reports were presented.

In 2015 "MiningWorld Russia" exhibition once again was audited by Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, that indicates the public transparency of the exhibition and the objectivity of its statistics.


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