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Mitex - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

International Specialized Exhibition of Tools and Equipment

Date: 09.11.2010 - 12.11.2010 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: EuroExpo

Topic: Building and real estate

"Mitex - 2010" exhibition news, 11-Oct-2010

Announce: One of the leading tool exhibitions of Russia and CIS "Mitex - 2010" takes place at Central Exhibition Complex "Expocener" (pavilion № 2) from 9 to 12 of November.

It is less than a month to the beginning of International Specialized Exhibition of Tools and Equipment "Mitex - 2010" !

One of the leading tool exhibitions of Russia and CIS "Mitex - 2010" takes place at Central Exhibition Complex "Expocener" (pavilion № 2) from 9 to 12 of November.

This year more than 3000 exhibitors from 12 countries (Russia, Poland, Germany, France, China, Taiwan, India, Italy, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Sweden, Japan) take part in the exhibition.

Total exhibition floor space - 16000 sq. m.

Venue: Moscow, Central Exhibition Complex "Expocenter" на Krasnaya Presnya, pavilion № 2, open platforms.

"Mitex" is the main exhibition event of tool sector of Russia.

Dynamics of development of tool market testifies to that reconstruction process of this sector after the crisis is going. Factories and companies not only widen model range of tools, but also take care about their ergonomics and useful life. The largest manufacturers and suppliers of building tools will show theirs achievements, unique developments and technologies at exhibition "Mitex - 2010" .

Business program of coming exhibition includes Conference "Russian Market of electric tools on its way out of crisis". Leading specialists in the field of tools and equipment will discuss the situation in building sector of Russia, customs regulation, particularities of standardization and certification of production under Customs union and other important topics.

Organizer of the exhibition, company "EUROEXPO", in cooperation with "Mokselle Group" will manage seminars for specialists - "Secrets of attraction of new clients to your store" and "How to raise sales of a large wholesale company". Having visiting this seminars visitors of the exhibition can get information about base principles for increase of sales, sellers motivation systems, effective scheme of sales, methods of advertising in Internet and many others topics.

Climate Industry Enterprises Association, which unite about 100 professional companies, will present exposition of Educational-consulting center "Climate University". Wishing to get education on professions, actual for climate sector, can learn the programs, fill in the application form for education and get consultation of the Center specialists. "Mitex - 2010" manages a special action: everyone who applies for education during the exhibition get 10 % discount. Also presentation of the most popular educational directions will take place in Business Center conference hall on 11th of November from 11:00 till 13:00: "Education and advanced training of specialists in air-conditioning and ventilation systems assembling", and " Education and advanced training of specialists in refrigerating systems servicing".

Also at the exhibition visitors will get consultations on Woodworking from magazine "WoodMaster", can take place in competition from TM Carbon "Pneumatic tool possibility", take place in an event for forestries of Russian gardener support center, to watch show, presentations and master classes of leading manufacturers and dealers of tools.

This year will be organized specialized exposition of project and building self-regulated organizations, where information about more than 2500 project and building organization will be present which realize their activity in Russia. This exposition will give exhibition visitors an unique opportunity to get information about its targeted audience "at thirst hand" for the purpose of promotion of its production - tools of various kind.

Notional aspect of "Mitex" policy is business social responsibility therefore this year beneficent tradition will be continued - charity event "Participants Mitex for children!" helping children from unfortunate families who live in rehabilitation center "Inspiration". Companies-participants of the exhibition will give children tools for locksmithery и car repair shop.


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