ÌåäÔàðì - 2025
ÌåäÔàðì - 2025

Press Release

NDT Russia - 2015

The 15th International exhibition of equipment for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics "NDT Russia" was held on October 27-29, in Crocus Expo, Moscow, Russia.

Exhibitors demonstrated a wide range of equipment, used in different fields of industry: oil and gas, metallurgical and metal-working, military-industrial complex, chemical and petrochemical industry, machine building, motor industry, aircraft manufacturing and others.

35 companies from Russia, China, Japan and Sweden took part in the exhibition. Among the "NDT Russia" exhibitors there were the leading suppliers of NDT and technical diagnostics equipment Kropus PO, Kachestvo SEC, Group UNITEST, Syntez, Acoustic Control Systems, Monotest, GEO-NDT, Metrotrest, Techintest, Qualytest, Galas NDT, Fizpribor, Votum, Testo Rus, PromGrupPribor, Technical systems and technologies, Mega Engineering, Ultra NDT, InterPribor, Constanta, Stroypribor, Intepribor, Vibron, E-Globaledge Corp. and other companies.

Chinese companies Dandong Daolong Radiative Instr. Group and Shenzen Yateks Optical Electronic Technlogies took part in the exhibition for the first time.

New service - Exhibition industrial guide - worked for the first time for visitors. Every exhibition day specialists could take advantage of joining tour through the stands where NDT equipment for different sectors of industry was demonstrated: oil and gas, metallurgical and metal-working industries, military-industrial complex, chemical and petrochemical, machine building, motor industry, aviation.

Within the business programme on October 27 the seminar organised by information and educational project Prostoev.net "Key directions of equipment downtime reduction" was held. It attracted attention of more than 50 specialists. They discussed the experience in implementing projects in different areas of maintenance and repair to reduce downtime of equipment.

This year "NDT Russia" exhibition was held for the second time, but since 2016 the exhibition will be held in the fall only together with the international industrial exhibitions "Testing&Control", "ExpoCoating Moscow", "Mashex Moscow", "PCVExpo", "Power Electronics".

The decision to change the exhibition terms and hold it together with other industrial exhibitions gave the expected cohesive effect. Participants were able to negotiate both with direct visitors and visitors of the other exhibitions, who were interested in solving problems related to the topic of "NDT Russia".


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