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Press Release

NDT Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics in Industry - 2009

On 18 - 20 March, at Sport Complex Olympisky, Moscow, the 8th International Exhibition for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics was held concurrently to the LAB and МERATEK exhibitions.

Official support:

  • Federal Service on Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Control
  • Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology
  • Federal Space Agency
  • European Federation for Non-Destructive Testing

Russian and foreign industry leaders demonstrated their strategies and diagnostic techniques, their latest developments and the latest equipment and devices. The exhibits ranged from diagnostics and measuring tools to high-powered certified measurement systems.

The exhibition size: 4,000 sqm. 110 companies from Russia, Germany, France, Romania, USA and Ukraine participated in the NDT Russia, LAB and MERATEK 2009 exhibitions.

More than 4500 professionals visited the exhibition.

Official opening ceremony

The following people were present at the opening ceremony:

  • Mr. Vladimir Lakhov, Head of the Metrology Department of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology
  • Mr. Petr Kononov, Head of the Boiling and Lifting Facilities Inspection Department of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Atomic Inspection
  • Mr. Vladimir Garyunov, Key Expert of the Centre for Ground Space Infrastructure Objects Operation, FGUP, Federal Space Agency
  • Mr. Vladimir Kluev, President of RSNDTTD, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
  • Ms. Irina Lyubina, Deputy General Director, Primexpo ltd
  • Ms. Rimma Mangusheva, NDT RUSSIA, LAB and МERATEK Project Manager

In his speech, Mr. Vladimir Lakhov, Head of the Metrology Department of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, said that improving and developing NDT methods and safety standards are vital for technical regulation and safety in the nuclear industry, at radiation plants and in engineering. The exhibition and its contribution to development within this industry make a significant impact on economic recovery in Russia.

Addressing the exhibitors, visitors and organisers of the exhibition, Mr. Peotr Kononov, Head of the Boiling and Lifting Facilities Inspection of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Atomic Inspection said, "Efficiency of personal and public safety in Russia is provided by developing modern technologies which are on display at NDT RUSSIA. The Federal Service works in conjunction with academic and industry scientists and leading specialists to solve issues of safety. The Federal Service is very grateful to all producers for their close co-operation, creation of new equipment and their assistance in control, supervision and detection of the defects in technical systems under our control".

Mr. Vladimir Kluev, President of RSNDTTD and Member of the Russian Academy said, "We worried that the current economic climate might have changed this exhibition; however this exhibition is as good as the previous one. Among the exhibitors there are foreign and regional Russian companies and it is great that we can come together and discuss significant issues. NDT and diagnostics development was and remains to be one of the most important areas in industry. The companies developing monitoring and diagnostic tools are moving to the right direction - forward, to compete with other manufactures globally".

Mr. V. Kluev wished the exhibitors successful work and thanked the organisers for the event On the first day of the exhibition a Gala Reception was held, at the 'Kino' restaurant. Exhibitors, Primexpo partners and media representatives were invited to the reception. Within the gala reception, the Krugozor Expo Travel prizedaw was held. The prize was a relaxing weekend in a SPA & hotel in St.Petersburg. The awards ceremony, which took place during the gala reception, was held for the following categories. The Innovation Contest "NDT RUSSIA" is the largest NDT exhibition in Russia which provides the opportunity for exhibitors to show their latest achievements in the field of non-destructive testing. The Innovation Contest has already become an integral part of the event. The contest is being held for the 4th time this year in association with the Russian Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Diagnostics and the number of applications confirms the increased interest in NDT and technical diagnostics. More than 30 new products in the NDT field were presented for expert approval. The most interesting developments were rewarded by the jury which consisted of the key experts in the NDT field. Winners of 'INNOVATION NDT 2009' CONTEST: 1st place: NIIN MNPO SPEKTR, ZAO (Eddy currents defectoskope VD-90NP); 2nd place: SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH DEVELOPMENTS, (Ultrasonic thickness gage UT-04 EMA (Delta), low-temperature model); 3rd place: PANATEST, ZAO (Ultrasonic defectoscope RapidScan2).

Special diploma: DIAMEX 2000 (Vibration analyser ONIX) - for an original solution for vibration testing for a wide-range of equipment used in different industries; VOTUM, (Defectoscope for composite materials DAMI-S) - for a reliable control tool for the aircraft industry.

Winners: On the last day of the exhibition, the results of the NDT CONTEST (held by RSNDTTD and Research Center "Kachestvo") were announced. Experts from 10 Russian regions received certificates and gifts. Mr. V.Kluev, President of RSNDTTD, Ms. N. Biryukova, General Director of Research Center "Kachestvo" and representatives of Rostekhhadzor research centre congratulated the winners.


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