IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
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Nutra Sport - 2009

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International Specialized Exhibition of Functional Food for Health and Sport

Date: 28.09.2009 - 30.09.2009 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: "FAIR EX Inter"

Topics: Agriculture, Food Industry, Consumer Goods, Medicine and Health Care, Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments

"Nutra Sport - 2009" exhibition news, 18-Sep-2009

Announce: The Trade Union of the Workers of Physical Culture, Sports, and Tourism in the Russian Federation supported the 3rd International Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED - 2009", which is going to be held on September 28-30 in Moscow.

The 3rd International Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" will be held under the slogan "Clean Market = Fair Sports".

Sports should be fair, without the use of any forbidden preparations. The main strategic task of the Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" is the struggle against the use of such products in both professional and popular sports. In the nearest future the Russian market of sports food should be ready to obey the Federal Antidope Law. In view of the upcoming changes in the country legislation, the company "FAIREX" - the Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" organizer - decided to make contribution to the struggle against the use of forbidden preparations with the aim at development and legalization of the sports food market in Russia. The company "FAIREX" declares the exposition of the Forum free from forbidden substances. As agreed with the Ministry of Sports, Tourism, and Youth's Policy, the participation agreement contains the clause, obliging the exhibitors not to have at their stands non-certified sports foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals.

In 2009 the organizers made decision about this, despite the financial damage of the assumed reduction in the number of exhibiting companies, which don't certify their products. The market of clean and fair products of sports foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals is more important for the organizers. The organizers really want that all the sports market players think in the same way. That is why the current year Forum will be held under the slogan "Clean Market = Fair Sports".

All-Russian Research Studies Institute of Physical Culture and Sports supports the Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED".

On September 28-30, the company "FAIREX" organizes at the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocenter" the 3rd International Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" and International Scientific and Practical Conferences "Sports Medicine" and "Sports Nutrition Today". The Forum is a unique project on the sports food and sports medicine market in Russia.

This year the All-Russian Research Studies Institute of Physical Culture and Sports will support and give assistance to the Forum. The Russian market of sports food and sports medicine is at the beginning of its formation and has a great potential for development. However at present, this market has a weakly organized structure and a low level of civilization. The All-Russian Research Studies Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, as a lead agency in this field, lay special emphasis on the issues of development of sports and functional foodstuffs in Russia.

The Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" is an instrument for realization of scientific developments and ideas, introduction and marketing of new products and nutrition systems for both amateur and professional sports. In Professor Sergei Portugalov's opinion, the deputy director of the All-Russian Research Studies Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, the Forum will contribute to the development of the sports foodstuffs and sports medicine market in Russia.

The Russian and foreign specialists are the experts at the conference "Sports Nutrition Today".

On September 29, at the Central Exhibition Complex Expocenter, within the framework of the 3rd International Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED", the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Sports Nutrition Today" will be held.

One of the most important problems of the contemporary sports will be discussed at the conference - the quality of sports food. A special concern is also caused by the problem of doping, which is sometimes only a result of the absence of the qualitative informational base on the Russian market of sports food.

The specialists of the national and foreign markets of sports food will try to clear up the current situation of the modern sports world and will try to find solutions to the existing doping problems.

The leading Russian and foreign specialists will take part in the conference work, such as: an American specialist Adama Marie Sesay - senior research assistant from the Laboratory of Biotechnology, University of Oulu. The representatives of the sports nutrition from England are expected: nutritionists Peter Slijkhuis and James Collins- a dietarian of the English Institute of Sports (EIS), working with Olympic athlets of the Great Britain Team. The following persons will also take part at the conference: head of a university department, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, the winner of the State Awards of the USSR and RF - Tokaev E.S.; deputy technical director of the company "Altaivitamins" - Zalesov A.S.; head of the Laboratory of the New Specialized Treatment Food Technology of the Research Nutritional Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Doctor of Engineering - Shatnyuk L.N.; "Intar-Biotech" ltd. - Ermishina I.G.; senior research assistant of the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture - Sorokin A.A.; a staff member of the Institute of Physical Culture, "SportPit" ltd. - Aranson M.B.; Mikheeva G.A. from the Research Nutritional Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Science. In the current year the representatives of the sports market from Finland will be the honorary guests at the conference: Marjo Misikangas. Degree: Ph.D, Clinical Life Sciences Ltd/ Finland; Patrik Borg, MSc, UKK Institute for Health Promotion Research, Finland and a lot of other experts in this field.

On September 28-30 the 3rd International Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" will be held.

The 3rd International Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" will be held at the Central Exhibition Complex Expocenter from the 28th to the 30th of September. The organizers of the Forum are the firms "FAIREX" and "F.Expo AG", under the auspices of ICSSPE; Committee of the State Duma of the RF on Physical Culture, Sports, and Youths; Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth's Policy of the RF; Olympic Committee of Finland, Paralympic Committee of Russia; Trade Union of the Workers of Physical Culture, Sports, and Tourism of the RF; Moscow Committee of Physical Culture and Sports; Central Administration of the Research Nutritional Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Science; Moscow State University of the Research Institute of Food Production; All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports; NADO "RUSADA"; "Expocenter" CJSC.

The forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" is the only and unique event of the sports nutrition and sports medicine market in Russia. "NUTRASPORT" is meant for development of the sports nutrition market and for struggle against doping in Russia. The project encompasses the priority-oriented and vital fields of health, sports, prevention and treatment of diseases, weight control. "SPORTMED" is arranged for development of professional and amateur sports. The contemporary evolution of both professional and amateur sports makes the sports medicine one of the main sectors in the public health care.

The "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" has the multidisciplinary structure and implies an extensive working and entertaining programmes: display at an exhibition, forum "FITNESS - health improving sports", International Tournament on Benchpress NUTRASPORT ELITE CUP 2009, show of FootFreeStyle (organizer Red Bull), the 3rd International Conference "Sports Medicine", the 3rd International Conference "Sports Nutrition Today", the working group meeting of the Paralympic Committee of Russia on the preparation and participation of the Russian Paralympic Team in the 14th Paralympic Games in London, plenary session of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of the Workers of Physical Culture, Sports, and Tourism of the RF on the issue of the project of the Federal Agreement between the Ministry of Sports, Tourism, and Youth's Policy of the Russian Federation and the Trade Union of the Workers of Physical Culture, Sports, and Tourism of the RF for the years 2009-2011 and on the project "Regulatiuons for investigations of accidents, which happened during the sportsmen's physical drill and training or at sports events", as well as special events of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism, and Youth's Policy of the RF, events of the Committee of the State Duma of the RF on Physical Culture, Sports, and Youths, round table with the participation of NADO "RUSADA".

During the last 2-3 years a considerable improvement in development of these markets in Russia is observed. The organizers sincerely believe and hope that the annual Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED" will contribute to the mushroom growth and forming of stable markets of sports nutrition and sports medicine in Russia, and experience of the foregn specialists will allow the country to reach the world standards in this field.

The organizers invite to visit the Forum "NUTRASPORT-SPORTMED- 2009" and its events.


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