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Orthodoxy (Under the Protection of the Virgin) - 2019

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the next exhibition Orthodoxy (Under the Protection of the Virgin) - 2025  - Participation

Orthodox Exhibition-Fair

Date: 22.10.2019 - 27.10.2019 

City: Sochi - information about city

Holder: SOUD

Topics: Culture. Art. Collectibles. Antiques, Consumer Goods, Trade Fairs, Society

"Orthodoxy (Under the Protection of the Virgin) - 2019" exhibition news, 24-Jun-2019

Announce: With the blessing of His Eminence Isidor, the Metropolitan of Yekaterinogradsk and Kuban on 22-27 October exhibition "Orthodoxy (Under the Protection of the Virgin) - 2019" will be held in Sochi.

On 22-27 October in the largest exhibition centre of Sochi in Grand Hotel "Zhemchuzhina" 21st exhibition-fair "Orthodoxy (Under the Protection of the Virgin) - 2019" will be held.

Exhibition will be held with the blessing of His Eminence Isidor, the Metropolitan of Yekaterinograds and Kuban.

Exhibition is held by the company "SOUD - Sochi exhibitions" - laureate of "Rossiysky Natsionalny Olimp", with the support of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Krasnodar Krai, Sochi City Adnimistration and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sochi.

The purpose of the exhibition is to join efforts of Russian Orthodox Church, secular authorities and city public to save and develop traditional spiritual values of national culture, art and morality.

Every orthodox exhibition-fair in Sochi is a big event for the spiritual life of the region. Participants and visitors are coming from all over the Russia and also countries of near and far abroad. Sochi residents and people from other cities of Pontic littoral are coming to the exhibition to be able to touch fetched Orthodox shrines, order a prayer service, acquire an icon, orthodox souvenirs, literature and provide a possible assistance to monasteries, parishes and shelters. Utensils and attributes of shrines and churches are in high demand.

A meeting with permanent participants of orthodox exhibitions awaits for guests and inhabitants of Sochi, including the following:
- Podvorye of the Holy Trinity of St. Sergius Lavra (Moscow);
- Church of the Reverend Isak Sirin Zadonsky (Alexeyevka);
- Iviron nunnery (Vyzha);
- the Holy Trinity Dermansky nunnery (Derman-2);
- Zadonsky men monastery (Zadonsk);
- Church of St. Peter and Paul (Karpovka);
- St. Smolenskaya Zosymova pustin;
- Monastery of the Savior Nerukotvorny.

The event will be attended by monasteries and churches from all around the world, bringing with them:
- resemblances of the Saints, icons;
- utensils and attributes of shrines and churches;
- orthodox goods;
- orthodox publisher's and souvenirs;
- gifts and apparel for the Orthodox celebrations;
- sanctified products, mushrooms, berries, honey, jams, confitures and others.

The program of the exhibition includes:
- screening of feature and documentary Orthodox films.
- orthodox lectures;
- special program "Ask the priest" (daily, from 12:00 to 14:00) Stand № 156;
- concert programs;
- meetings with representatives of spiritual societies and social services of Sochi City and many others.

The exhibition's opening hours: 22-27 October - from 10:00 to 18:00.

Free entry!

The official opening ceremony of the exhibition will be held on 22 October at 12:00.


Additional information:
