IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Нефть и газ, химия. ТЭК - 2025

Skrepka Expo - 2011

Attention! The event is over.

15th International Specialized Exhibition of Office and Stationery Goods

Date: 13.09.2011 - 15.09.2011 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: LLC "Skrepka Expo"

Topics: Advertising and Publishing Activities, Consumer Goods, Furniture and Office Equipment, HoReCa, Industrial Exhibitions

"Skrepka Expo - 2011" exhibition news, 16-May-2011

Announce: Companies "Altei" and "Neva Market" joined the participation in Special exposition of domestic office and stationery goods at the International specialized exhibition "Skrepka Expo - 2011" (13 - 15 of September, Moscow, International Exhibition Center "C

New participants of the program "Buy Russian" at the exhibition "Skrepka Expo - 2011".

Companies "Altei" and "Neva Market" joined to the participation in Special exposition of domestic office and stationery goods at the International specialized exhibition "Skrepka Expo - 2011":

Operation of the publishing company "Altei" is directed to output of bright illustrated, informative and at the same time inexpensive reading matter for preschool children and primary school age children. Fairy tales of Russian and foreign classic literature, modern juvenile authors, brain twisters, crossword puzzles, copy-books, coloring books, selection rhymes are in request not only in Moscow and the Moscow Region but also in many other regions of Russia.

The company "Neva Market" is specialized in office and stationery goods production and и wholesale trade and work fruitful at stationery market since 2001. Total product line accounts for 9000 names - it is enough to provide continuous working of any modern office.

Organizers of the exhibition "Skrepka Expo" offer the whole program of bonuses and preferences for exhibitors-manufacturers. The program includes not only essential discounts for exhibition space but also extra advertising support before and during the exhibition (in the exhibition hall and in partner mass media).


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