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Pcvexpo - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

8th International Forum

Date: 13.10.2009 - 16.10.2009 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MVK International exhibition company

Topics: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions

"Pcvexpo - 2009" exhibition news, 22-Sep-2009

Announce: 8th International Forum "Pcvexpo - 2009" will be held on October 13-16, in Moscow, in hall ¹ 1 of the international exhibition center "Crocus Expo".

The 8th International Forum "Pcvexpo - 2009" will be held on October 13-16, in Moscow, in hall ¹ 1 of the international exhibition center "Crocus Expo".

This year the forum will be devoted to all types of pumping, compressor, pneumatic equipment, pipeline fittings, drives and sealing machines. The wide opportunities and steady environment of the Russian industrial market create favourable conditions for continuous and large-scale development of the exhibition project.

The annual meeting with the professionals in the industry sector at the prestigious platform of the international exhibition center "Crocus Expo" is an excellent opportunity to strengthen the company's business image, to present its innovative products to competent audience of industry experts, to establish all-round connections and direct business relations.

The topical sections of the forum represent all main industry trends, which contribute to the solution of the most important problems of the Russian machine building industry. At this, the exhibition's structure provides for the optimal combination of interests of the national manufacturers and consumer market with the interests of the international partners.


Forum organizers: "International Exhibition Company" CJSC, Russian Association of Pumps Manufacturers, Association of Compressor and Pneumatics Workers and Scientific and Industrial Association of Pipeline Fittings Manufacturers are sure that the exhibition project "Pcvexpo - 2009" will provide a powerful impetus for further development of the national pumps, compressors, and pipeline fittings production.


In scale and importance for the industry development, the "Pcvexpo - 2009" comes up to the leading world exhibitions in this field.

Over 400 companies from 20 countries took part in the forum "Pcvexpo - 2008". The exposition floor space reached 16800 sqm.

This year an intense business programme will be presented to the experts.

The organizers will be happy to welcome you at the forum "Pcvexpo - 2009"!


  • October 9 - 12 - stands' mounting
  • October 13 - 16 - forum's working days
  • October 17 - 18 - stands' dismantling

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