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Expopriority - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

1st International Forum on Intellectual Property

Date: 08.12.2009 - 10.12.2009 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expocentre

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Information Technologies and Communications

"Expopriority - 2009" exhibition news, 15-Oct-2009

Announce: The management of the 1st International Forum "Exhibition Priority - 2009" thinks that one of the main goals of the Forum is the support and development of the innovative activity in the Russian Federation.

The management of the 1st International Forum "Exhibition Priority - 2009", which is going to be held in the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocenter" on October 8-10, thinks that one of the main goals of the Forum is the support and development of the innovative activity in the Russian Federation.

A congress, devoted to the issues of legal safeguard and protection of intellectual property, at the exhibitions as well as in other cases, is going to be held within the framework of the Forum. An exhibition of the newest scientific and technical achievements will also be held, the exhibiting companies will have the chance to make presentations of their products and services.

In view of the importance of the project for forming the centers of innovative growth in the country, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation acts as a coorganizer of the Forum.

"Expocenter" has a target to introduce a permanent practice of the compliance with the regulations of the Article 11 of the Paris Convention on Protection of Industrial Property, which was recognized by the USSR on the 1st of July 1965, about temporary protection of inventions, useful models, industrial samples and brand signs at particular international exhibitions. Issuing of requested document (certificate) by the exhibition management, which confirms the fact of exhibiting new goods and technologies, will allow innovative firms and private inventors to use direct marketing of the new developments at the exhibitions more actively without the harm of registration rights in the later stages.

In the course of preparations for the congress there was an acute question of "status" definition for exhibitions with the purpose of application of the Article 11 of the Paris Convention on Protection of Industrial Property, which refers only to "official and officially recognized international exhibitions". For detailed discussion of this question and elaboration of practical recommendations, a special section was created, which was headed by the general director of the auditing firm "RussCom IT Systems" - A.K. Zhukovsky.

The congress programme also includes the issues of licencing dual-use goods and technologies as well as simplified registration of such products during transportations to the exhibitions abroad.

The organizers invite You to take part in the congress (as spokepersons, audience). The cost of the registration fee is 18,500 rubles without VAT.


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