"Expopriority - 2009" exhibition news, 29-Oct-2009
Announce: The new project of the "Expocenter" - International Forum on Intellectual Property "Expopriority - 2009" will help the participants to stand upon their rights at the stage of subsequent patenting.
The new project of the "Expocenter" - International Forum on Intellectual Property "Expopriority - 2009" will help the participants to stand upon their rights at the stage of subsequent patenting.
"Expocenter" - the leader of the exhibition industry in Russia, is carrying out a preparatory work for granting certificates of exhibiting new developments to those, who applied for them. That will help the exhibitors to stand upon their rights at the stage of subsequent patenting. According to the trademark, when the application for registration is submitted, the date of official opening of the exhibition is recognized as the priority date.
The article 11 of the Paris Convention on Protection of Industrial Property provide such legal norm as temporary legal protection of inventions, useful models, industrial samples, and trademark while exhibiting them at "official and officially recognized international exhibitions".
The form of application and the form of certificate of exhibiting were discussed at the meeting of the Organization Committee and gave consideration to peculiarities of the related national legislation. Recommendations are being prepared on filling out application documents for getting temporary legal protection at the exhibitions - for avoiding early disclosure, that may have an influence on the capability of the legal protection in the future. They will be put online on the Forum's website.
This is especially important for small innovative firms, which were founded in accordance with the Federal Law ¹ 217-FZ d/d 02.08.2009, on the base of governmental educational and scientific establishments and have unprotected innovations and for which it is important to make precise the prospects of commercialization.
The afore mentioned service is planned to render for the first time at the 1st International Forum on Intellectual Property "Expopriority - 2009" on request of the exhibitors. And in the future, it will be introduced at all industrial shows, organized by the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocenter", which have the symbols of the World Association of Exhibition Industry (UFI) and/or Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RSVYa) and confirm their status by independent statistics, when and if innovations will be demonstrated at the exhibition.
The official representatives of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), World Association of Exhibition Industry (UFI), Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RSVYa), the largest Russian experts in the field of patent law and exhibition business confirmed their participation at the congress on the issues of legal protection of intellectual property products (which is carried out within the framework of the Forum concurrently to the International Exhibition of the Newest Scientific and Technical Achievements).