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Expopriority - 2010

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International Forum on Intellectual Property

Date: 07.12.2010 - 09.12.2010 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expocentre

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Information Technologies and Communications

"Expopriority - 2010" exhibition news, 13-Nov-2010

Announce: From 7 to 9 of December in Moscow in pavilion № 5 and Conference hall of pavilion № 7 of Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre" will take place the 2nd International Forum on Intellectual Property "Expopriority - 2010".

From 7 to 9 of December in Moscow in pavilion № 5 and conference hall of pavilion № 7 of Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre" will take place the 2nd International Forum on Intellectual Property "Expopriority - 2010". The forum organizers are the Camber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation and Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre". The forum is supported by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and International Chamber of Commerce and is under the patronage of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of Russian Federation, Federal Intellectual Property, Patent and Trademark Service (FIPPTS).

1st International Forum on Intellectual Property "Expopriority" took place in Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre" in December of 2009 to good purpose. The participants of the forum were 195 institutions, firms, organizations and individual inventors from 7 countries. More than 600 specialists took part in the events of the forum. This year the forum have developed and is recognized internationally and at the nation level.

Within "Expopriority - 2010" in Conference hall of pavilion № 7 will take place International Congress on Intellectual Property devoted to legal protection and protection of such items of industrial property as inventions, useful models and industrial designs (in the context of demonstration of newly-designed products at the exhibition).

As a part of the forum the International Exhibition of Innovations will be held, it measures up modernization of economy state priorities - with possibility of participating companies and innovation firms presentation. This exhibit will be spaced at more than 1100 sq. m in pavilion № 5.

Innovations on economic development priorities will be presented by more than 300 organizations from 15 countries: Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Israel, India, Jordan, Kazakhstan, PRC, Moldova, Republic of Korea, Russia, USA, Ukraine, Sweden, Japan. It is expected that foreign and domestic companies with sizable innovation proportion in their production will take place in the exhibition. Among foreign participants: International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), Licensing Executives Society (LES), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), "Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner LLP" (USA), Mannheimer Swartling (Sweden) and others.

Russia is presented by about 270 firms and organizations including JSC "KAMOV", JSC "Research and production enterprise "Temp" named after F. Korotkov", Federal state unitary enterprise "Research Institute "Cometa"", JSC "VNIIALMAZ", Moscow State Technological University of Civil Aviation, Moscow State University Economics, Statistics, and Informatics, "Soyuzpromexport", JSC "Concern "Nanoindustry"", M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, Tolyatti State University, Volgograd State University, Institute "Gipronickel".

An important place at the exhibition will be taken by innovative products of defence sectors of industry, advance designs of university science and Russian regions booths. Individual inventors acting in the name of All-Union Society of Inventors and Rationalizers have favourable participation terms. The special collective booth "The Future of Russia" is prepared for creative youth, and small and medium business will get aggressive support not just within forum, but also at Congress on Intellectual Property.

In plans of the forum "Expopriority - 2010" is a bright festival brands - Russian market leaders within the action "The day of branding in "Expocentre" with the participation of members of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of Russian Federation, members of the state duma of Russian Federation, representatives of The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications and Ministry of Education and Science, and also directors of leading Russian and international companies, branding and advertising agencies, patent specialists, journalists.

In pavilion № 7 and also at outdoor area between pavilions № 1 and № 5 "Brand Alley" will be set. Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre" invites companies, whose brands takes leading positions at Russian market, to take part in brand promoting innovative program.

Sections of the forum "Expopriority - 2010" is very relevant and wide. Agenda of Congress on Intellectual Property will widen. It will examine not just items of patent strategy и patent protection, particularly at exhibitions, but will touch base also items of license trade in the context of know-how transfer and scientific and technical documentation. This way variety of entry into a market with innovative developments will be in the middle of discussion, not just granting right of use patented knowledge.

The subject of industrial designs in the form of branding in fashion will be examined. The theme of software protection as an item of intellectual property will be also discussed in the forum business program.

Seminar of special interest is "Corporate branding and management" with participation of Masaki Imaya founder and president of KaizenInstitute (Japan), who will tell about unrivalled expertise of japan business in the sector. Trademark phenomenon will be examined within a special seminar.

Within the forum Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre" will present a special youth-oriented program of invention support and creative initiative among school pupils, students and young professionals "The Future of Russia".

This year Innovative Competition of Russian Producers - Innovation Exhibition participants will be organized at radically new level. The main speciality of Innovative Competition of Russian Producers is democratic character and participants equal opportunity. Emerging technology models are expected for the competition, they can be immune and without protection as a part of exhibit items, presented at International Innovation Exhibition within the forum "Expopriority - 2010". The winners will get gold medals of WIPO, prize winner certificates, premiums and prises of sponsors.

Participants of the forum "Expopriority - 2010", and also all the targeted audience, including in Russian regions can use an unique opportunity to dialogue with the forum organizers specialists in the field of patent law and investors on the base of platform Web.2 on the Internet, and also continuous communication under business appointment system (MatchMaking).


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