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Expopriority - 2012

Attention! The event is over.

4th International Forum on Intellectual Property

Date: 28.11.2012 - 30.11.2012 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expocentre

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Information Technologies and Communications

"Expopriority - 2012" exhibition news, 27-Sep-2012

Announce: In Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre" a meeting of organizing committee of the 4th International forum on intellectual property "Expopriority - 2012" took place (28th-30th of November), which considered and took the forum basis program.

In Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre" a meeting of organizing committee of the 4th Inertational forum on intellectual property "Expopriority - 2012" took place (28th - 30th of November), which considered and took the forum basis program.

According to the opening speech of executive director of "Expocentre" Sergei Bednov to participants of the meeting, holding of the forum from 28th to 30th of November will be particularly interesting and significant in connection with Russia going into WTO. The business program of "Expopriority - 2012" includes: the International congress "Intellectual resource of Russia in conditions of new challenges", the International exhibition of innovative products and technologies, a competition of innovations, presentation sessions, master classes.

Within the forum international conferences on the following subjects will be held: "Intellectual property in terms of foreign economic activity", "Green innovations and intellectual property protection", "Innovations in tourism. Promotion of national brands", and panel discussion "Global challenges in the field of intellectual property", "Practical applications of legal system in the field of intellectual property". It is estimated that the lead speakers will be heads of ministries and departments, scientific institutions will be . Leading Russian and foreign experts will tale part in the events.

For the first time at site of the forum presentations of Science Towns will tale place. Among the towns are: Chernogolovka, Pushchino, Obninsk and many others. Also new program "Innovation lift" will be presented. It will allow producers of innovative products to pass all levels of realization of their intentions - from an idea to a production piece. Gaining of such experience and knowledge will be an important support for the inventors.

Sergei Bednov expressed confidence that the forum of this year will be bright and dynamic event with a big practical return for the participants.

Nikolai Bugayev, assistant general director of "Expocentre", told more detailed about the conception of the forum business program and the accompanying exhibition. According to his words, new idea is to call together a number of typical groups of exhibitors.

The first group includes creators of intellectual property in the form of new technologies, projects and so on. Among them are enterprises, higher education institutions, academic and design institutes, scientific centers, which will present their new ideas and developments.

Another group of exhibitors presents infrastructure of their support and promotion. Among them are investment funds, venture capital funds, sturtup companies. "Expocente", for example, estimated 62 organizations which may present their opportunities at the forum, particularly for designers of new technologies and products of intellectual properly.

And one more group - science towns which are designers and promoters of new developments at the same time, and technology parks and special economic zones.

It would be also interesting to watch offers of the main communicators between designers and whose who promote and introduce their developments. This refers to 48 exhibitions of innovative subject, which are held in the country. "Expocentre" invites the organizers also to speak at the forum with their projects and prizewinners, reported Nikolai Bugayev.

Members of the organizing committee under the chairmanship of chancellor of Russian state academy of intellectual property, member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Ivan Bliznets mentioned high potential and growing authority of the forum "Expopriority". "Expocentre" holds the forum in collaboration with RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the active assistance of the Federation Council, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, RF Federal agency on intellectual property.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), International Federation of Inventors Associations (IFIA), International federation of exhibition and congress service (IFES), Russian union of fairs and exhibitions (RUEF) give support to this unique congress and exhibition event.

During the remaining time until the forum the organizing committee will pay a lot of attention to the program named "Visitor". The program is focused on attraction of representatives of target groups: scientists, inventors, representatives of business and investment vehicles.


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