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Expopriority - 2013

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5th International Forum on Intellectual Property

Date: 27.11.2013 - 29.11.2013 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expocentre

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Information Technologies and Communications

"Expopriority - 2013" exhibition news, 13-Sep-2013

Announce: On 11th of September in Moscow in the Expocentre the first session of the organizing committee of the 5th International forum on intellectual property "Expopriority - 2013" took place. The forum will be held from 27th to 29th of November.

The organizing committee of "Expopriority - 2013" approved conception and business program of the forum

On 11th of September in Moscow in the Expocentre the first session of the organizing committee of the 5th International forum on intellectual property "Expopriority - 2013" took place. The forum will be held from 27th to 29th of November.

"The forum took a decent position among large events held by Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Expocentre", noted rector of Russian State academy of Intellectual property, chairman of committee of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on Intellectual property Ivan Bliznets, who heads work of the organizing committee for preparation of "Expopriority - 2013".

Vice president of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, vice chairman of the organizing committee Vladimir Strashko, general manager of CJSC "Expocentre", vice chairman of the organizing committee Sergei Bednov, other members of the organizing committee and non-members took part in the session.

The conception project of the 5th International forum on intellectual property "Expopriority - 2013" was presented by assistant general manager of CJSC "Expocentre", Nikolai Bugayev. He mentioned that aims and goals of the forum are coordinated with the processes going in the state and society, the work that is held by the RF Federation Council and the Government on formation of national strategies of intellectual property development.

The organizers of the forum are Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and CJSC "Expocentre". The forum is held with participation and support of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The official partner of "Expopriority - 2013" are the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). For the first time the forum has got a scientific partner - Russian state academy on intellectual property.

"Intellectual property as a powerful resource of competitive growth of national economy" and "Investments for innovations: problems and opportunities" are the main subjects at the "Expopriority - 2013". A complex of events will be dedicated to these subjects, which will be of practical interest for intellectual property creators and potential customers (investors, major and middle-sized companies).

Within the forum a competition of innovative projects and developments will take place. More than 100 exhibiting companies will take part in the competition. A joint presentation of innovative projects, supervised by Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Russian Commonwealth of Business Agents, and companies-winners of previous competitions will be held.

The special educational program Innovative Lift will continue working at the forum. The program aroused much interest and successfully approved itself last year.

Nikolai Bugayev turned attention to treatment of formation of the exposition "Expopriority - 2013". This year the exposition of the Russian Academy of Sciences will be wider, here academical institutes and departments of the Russian Academy of Sciences will present their developments. Special expositions will be formed by science cities and All-Russian association of inventors and rationalizers. Moscow Government will present the best part of industrial parks and clusters in the capital. The exposition will be extended, and will demonstrate various forms of support and promotion of innovative development, with participation of regions, enterprises, structures working in the sector efficiently. The experience of creating infrastructure for promoting innovations in the regions will be presented by regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Director of the department of exhibition, fair and congress activity of RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry Igor Korotin reported on preparation of the business program of "Expopriority - 2013". Within the forum more than 18 events, dedicated to various aspects of intellectual property protection, will take place. For the first time the discussion of problems on intellectual property will be held, in the context of Russia entering WTO. Constituent entities of the Russian Federation will present their unrivalled expertises. The subject of youth entrepreneurship will be discussed for the first time.

At the meeting a particular emphasis was given to involvement of experts to the forum.

The organizing committee approved the business program of the 5th International forum on intellectual property.

The next meeting of the organizing committee will be held in the first half of November, 2013.


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