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ExpoCoating Moscow - 2025

Date: 01.01.1970 - 01.01.1970 



"" exhibition news, 28-Aug-2013

Announce: The 19th International specialized wholesale exhibition and fair "Prodexpo - 2013" will be held from 12th to 15th of November in Minsk. Every exhibitor will have a personal web page.

"ProdExpo - 2013" - a personal web page for every exhibitor

The 19th International specialized wholesale exhibition and fair "ProdExpo - 2013" will be held in Minsk from 12th to 15th of November at address: Pobeditelei avenue, 20/2 (Football arena). Registration of exhibitors has already started.

According to companions every exhibiting company will have a personal page at the official site of the project. Information about exhibitors will be posted on the web site on a regular basis, that will afford an additional opportunity of cooperation development for organizations interested in partnership.

"The exhibition "ProdExpo" gives exhibitors an unique chance to demonstrate their products and to present novelties to participants of the domestic market and foreign potential partners as well. Moreover the exhibition is an excellent opportunity to communicate with final consumers, to explore demands and testimonials", - the organizing committee reported.

In the course of the years of the work the exhibition "ProdExpo" earned a status of an unique informational platform, which helps producers and suppliers of food products, and representatives of trade organizations to watch the latest trends in the market, to estimate the market and to choose optimal kind of cooperation and business development, the companions noted. In the year 2012 more than 250 enterprises took part in the exhibition. During the exhibition more than 18500 contacts were concluded.

At the exhibition-fair "ProdExpo - 2013" the following sections will be opened: meat and meat products, sea foods, healthy eating, fruits and vegetables, seasonings, spices, vegetable oils, food additives, concentrates, frozen and semi-prepared foods, baby food and dietic foods, groceries, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, tea, coffee. Moreover refrigerating and freezing appliances, manufacturing and retail equipment for food industry, special clothes, and advanced packing and labeling technologies will be presented at the exhibition.

The exhibition business program is expected to be highly topical. The following actions are planned: educational seminars, lectures and master classes of the leading experts, round tables and press conferences on actual problems of the food market. What is more within the exhibition the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus will hold the competition among exhibitors in several nominations.

The organizer of the exhibition "ProdExpo - 2013" is the National exhibition center "BelExpo" of Department of Presidential Affairs of the Republic of Belarus with the assistance of the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Agriculture and food of the Republic of Belarus, the concern "Belgospischeprom", Minsk City Executive, Belorusian Republican Union of Consumer Societies.
