Металлургмаш. Литмаш. Металлоконструкции - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)
Металлургмаш. Литмаш. Металлоконструкции - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

ProdExpo - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

25th International Specialized Wholesale Exhibition and Fair

Date: 12.11.2019 - 15.11.2019 

City: Minsk - information about city

Holder: Belexpo

Topics: Agriculture, Food Industry, Trade Fairs

"ProdExpo - 2019" exhibition news, 20-Aug-2019

Announce: In Minsk from 12 to 15 November the wholesale exhibition-fair "ProdExpo - 2019" will be held. Within the framework of the exhibition, blitz-negotiations "PURCHASE: Retail and Food" between retail chains and manufacturers of products will be organized.

In Minsk from 12 to 15 November the specialized wholesale exhibition-fair "ProdExpo - 2019" will be held. Within the framework of the exhibition, blitz-negotiations "PURCHASE: Retail and Food" between retail chains and manufacturers of products will be organized.

The purpose of the project is to establish the primary business acquaintances between the companies. Negotiations with potential trading partners (the main participants of Belarusian food market) are organized on the principle of "all with all." According to the timing, one company holds meetings with all possible project participants, the duration of a round of negotiations for one company is up to 10 minutes.

Trading networks - participants in blitz negotiations of procurement:

  1. OOO "Evrotorg" (Network of shops Evroopt)
  2. Belarusian Republican Union of consumer societies (BelCoopSouz)
  3. OOO "Santa Retail" (Network of shops Santa)
  4. OOO "Belinterprodukt" (Network of shops Rublevski)
  5. OOO "Premer Market" (Network of shops "Domashni")
  6. OAO "Zadneprovye" (Network of grocer's shops Kvartal Vkusa)
  7. ZAO "Dobronom" (Network of shops Dobronom)
  8. OOO "Agrointorg"
  9. CHPTUP "VitanaTransServis"
  10. OOO "Zapadnaia rybnaia kompaniia" (Supermarket-bistro FoodBoard)
  11. Foreign unitary enterprise "BelWillesden" (Network of shops GIPPO)
  12. OOO "BelMarketCompany" (Network of shops Belmarket)
  13. OOO "Libretik" (Network of shops SOSEDI)
  14. OOO "Resttrade" (Network of shops Dionis)

Additional information:
