IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Металлобработка. Металлургия - 2025

ProdExpo - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

25th International Specialized Wholesale Exhibition and Fair

Date: 12.11.2019 - 15.11.2019 

City: Minsk - information about city

Holder: Belexpo

Topics: Agriculture, Food Industry, Trade Fairs

"ProdExpo - 2019" exhibition news, 22-Aug-2019

Announce: The 1st meeting of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the 25th international specialized wholesale exhibition-fair "ProdExpo - 2019", which will take place from November 12 to 15, was held in Minsk.

The 1st meeting of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the 25th international specialized exhibition "ProdExpo - 2019" was held at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.

The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food - Brylo I. V. with the participation of the leadership of the national exhibition center "BelExpo", as well as representatives from the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade, the Belarusian Republican Union of Consumer Societies, "Scientific and Practical Centre for foodstuffs of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus", concern of the food industry "Belgospischeprom", committees on agriculture and foodstuff of regional executive committees.

ProdExpo - 2019

In the introductory statement, Brylo I. V. noted that it was decided that the organizing committee will be headed by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus - Dvornik V. A., taking into account the importance of the exhibition in establishing communications between Belarusian and foreign manufacturers and wholesale buyers of food products, trade equipment.

The meeting provided information on the preparation and completion of the 25th international exhibition "ProdExpo - 2019", activities for attracting exhibitors from domestic enterprises were discussed and heard proposals on attracting foreign participants and business circles.

The business program of the exhibition was discussed separately, the organizers of the exhibition made a proposal to invite exhibitors to participate in the business program with their own events.

Based on the results of the discussions, it was decided to intensify collaborative work for setting up the exposition and, until September 1, to receive applications for participation from the main exhibitors of "Prodexpo" from among Belarusian enterprises and organizations.


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